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Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex


Want to get some great insights and manifestations in your life?

– Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex
– How to Manifest to “Make Amends”
– What to do When Finding it Difficult to be Grateful
– If I Help Others will I Attract Suffering?
– I have had Financial Challenges before and resolved them however I was filled with Dread and Panic recently. How do we Let Go of Old Programmed Responses?

These topics and more will be covered on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/downloadable audio –
Register at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



 Manifesting Excellence


“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne – When Others Ask My Opinion

“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne

I was on a radio show last week when “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne came up in the conversation. I was asked about my background and the radio show host found it fascinating that I was creating material on manifesting and Law of Attraction long before The Secret came out (in 2006).

Regarding “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, what do I think of it?  This is something I have been asked over the years.

My answer is it was lovely in the increasing of awareness of the Law of Attraction and about creating our realities.  The DVD in particular was inspiring, colourful and motivating.  But it still left many wondering….

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne - Law of Attraction book


But “How?”

Whilst it increased the awareness of Law of Attraction and taking charge of what comes into our lives, The Secret left many wondering about the “How”.

“How do you attract what you want?”

Many of you that have worked with me, been on Manifesting Excellence or interacted with me will know about my journey. That for many years from the late 90s onwards I studied the best methodologies out there for manifesting and creating.

I enjoyed Abraham Hick’s work and much else of what was out there, creating my own, and distilling it into an easy to understand and apply way.  I enjoyed learning and creating more of the “how.”

As my own exposure worldwide grew there was a calling from people wanting to experience more of me, whether via live events, a book by me or in other ways, which all came about.


Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

While there was a growing awareness of Law of Attraction in the world, there was a gap in understanding how to apply it.  This would be evident by the messages I would receive and on comments on my social networks.

When I wrote my book “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” my intention was to fill this gap in an easy, gentle and loving way.

Whilst at the same time connecting the reader to the love and connection within themselves simply by the process of reading the book.

So, my opinion is that The Secret is very lovely for what it was.  And, if you are wanting to know more about how to apply the Law of Attraction and attract more in your life in being in sync with your divinity as well as understand how all this works, there is more out there for you.

Have you read/watched The Secret? What did you think? What is your opinion of it?
Share your thoughts in the comments below…


Hemal Radia is the author of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” as well as a ‘super’ coach/mentor and speaker.

Click here to Work One-to-One with Hemal

Click here for Manifesting Excellence

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne - Law of Attraction book




Your Outcome is on its Way to Flowering…


Below is something I shared on the private group for Manifesting Excellence earlier that I thought you might enjoy…


Just like a seed changes form in its evolution to a flower, so will your intention. Just as a seed is bathed in rain and germinates in the soil around it, so does your intention from your energy to the environment around you.

Have the knowingness that your outcome will be blossoming and that everything that is happening is the process of adding solidity and groundedness in the shaping of your outcome, perhaps even a solidity that is essential in the manifestation of it.

You have an end-outcome in mind; everything else is an outcome on the way to that outcome. There is never really one fixed outcome, but a process comprising of one continuation after another.

Enjoy the whole process and realise that it is all beneficial in your growth and evolution, than waiting for the one flowering outward manifestational moment.
~ Hemal Radia


The Way to Love....is With Love....

My Good Deed for Yesterday :)


This is something that happened yesterday.  Have you thought about the good deeds you do? : )


As I put my grocery shopping in my car yesterday afternoon and was about to drive away I saw an elderly lady who had just parked next to my car who was getting out. She struggled to get out of her car and had crutches. She was then struggling to open her car back door to get her bags out (re-using bags, environmentally friendly).

So I went up to her and asked if I could help with anything. With a big smile she appreciatively said “That is so kind of you but I should be able to manage.” I gave her company and walked with her to the entrance of the supermarket and brought a shopping cart over to her to take inside.

We chatted while we walked, she mentioned that she should get knee surgery done and we talked and laughed a bit. When we reached the entrance she enthusiastically said thank you and was beaming, smiling and really appreciative that someone had taken the time to think of her, approach her, smile and be friendly, and help her.

Just wanted to share as some of the subtlest things we do can mean so much to others : )


What are your thoughts on helping others? Have you any stories to share on this?
Do share in the comments below : )


Shopping cart

Can Stepping Away From What You Want Increase Your Attraction To It?


Three Questions – What do YOU think are the answers? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below…


1 – How can “stepping away” from something increase your attraction to it?

2 – How can increasing the ‘space’ to something lead to it getting closer to you?

3 – Do you have to keep thinking about something to attract it?


These will be answered on Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call along with other questions.
Click Here To Register For It


Manifesting Excellence


“How to Make Money Doing What You Love”


If the Universe is truly all energy, then how can we often end up making money with something that we DON’T love but can’t make money with something that we DO love?

Many have the challenge of moving from something that has been paying the bills to transitioning to something that they love AND making a living from it.



In my own journey, although I have been in this field since the early 90s, my work came online around six years ago. For me, early on, it was very much about following my inspiration and desire and things organically (and quickly) blossomed from there.

I started this blog at the start of 2008 and wrote articles and people loved them (it now has well over 300 posts!).  My work was spreading across Facebook and other networks, people translating my quotes into other languages, wanting me to co-admin various groups and collaborations with them, Facebook groups were initiated and kindly created by others in my ‘honour’ such as the Universal Law of Attraction Group and the Hemal Radia Appreciation Group where they would share my work and quotes, my quotes to be used in board games, and many other projects, invites and happenings.

A book from me was also very much sought after (and I am now being approached for more!), which came along a few years ago, as well as live events and get-togethers, which we have had in Las Vegas, Australia, London etc.

This doesn’t go anywhere near even touching upon the many happenings and day to day synchronicities, but it gives you an idea of some of the happenings.


In my experience I followed my ‘love’ The rest found its way to me and me to it.  The right people, the right situations etc. I am working on more, and I enjoy the now. My approach, including from a marketing sense, has evolved over the years, but the ethos, spirit and “love” are still the same for what I do, for myself, for those I work with, etc.

How can YOU make an income from doing what you love?  I will be on Kelly Galea’s “From Corporate to Creative” Radio Show next Wednesday 29th May at 12pm ET/5pm UK time talking about this in How to Make Money Doing What You Love“.

For more information about the show next week, click here: “How to Make Money Doing What You Love


Hemal Radia on Kelly Galea show

The Goosebumps are an Indicator….


Below is the some of the content from Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call.  A lot of great content was shared. If you’d like to access the audio of the call in the archives you can do so by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


– When you do the visualising and feeling it, it is getting you into alignment and the allowing of what you want – the getting into the frequency of what you want
– Two ships getting into alignment analogy
– The goosebumps are an indication of you expanding energetically.  Other indicators could be tears, face colour flushing etc
– It is not about how often you think about what you want, it is about getting into the allowing of it, however it takes
– The reason sometimes when you step away from what you want that it comes into your life is because you are no longer resisting it
– It can be helpful to do energetic practicing with something that you are not energetically familiar with
– Example of when people have a lottery wins and they as an identity haven’t changed and they sabotage and lose what they have
Focus on the flowing of the energy than on the goal
– Let go of the attachment to the physical outcome, focus on the energetic aspects and use the physical outcome to do that

– Having a regular practice to build your energy around what you want
– Getting more specific and expanding your energy on each subsequent session you have with yourself
– As you integrate with your goal it becomes more and more real for you
Creating energetic platforms which lead you to further insights about what you want
– As you get into the energy of what you want you will experience insights, inspiration, synchronicities etc
You are energetically ‘voting’ for what you want…when there is enough of a consensus within you, you will have what you want….

– We can be out of our flow if we are ‘continuously’ asking
As energy, you are constantly expanding, you cannot stand still
Asking is good!
There is an ebb and flow – asking-alignment-asking-alignment etc
– Look at it as having PREFERENCES for what you want
– Is there a nervousness/anxiousness/fear of trusting oneself?
– What would happen if you got it wrong? What would happen if you ‘failed’?
– When you listen to those outside of you, you are getting further away from listening inside of you
Those outside of you have no idea of your connection with yourself energetically – only you can know what to do to close that gap and enable that connection

– We are the physical manifestation of energy
– Although everything is changeable and malleable with our thoughts, why are you wanting to make those changes? What is the intention/sponsoring energy behind it?
Is there an easier way than what you are asking, the path of least resistance?
– Can you be the pioneer in the sport/discipline who achieves despite the perceived ‘shortages’?
– Regarding working with an ailment/condition:
– Is there a reason for me having this? Did it serve me in some way?
– Does it still serve me? If so, how?
– Unconsciously taking on behaviours/emotions earlier in life which we perceive serve us
– What are your beliefs about creating this change/healing yourself?
– What are the positive and negative consequences of this change? Are you ok with it?
– As you let go of the old notions, you create space for the new…

The above content can be accessed in the archives of Manifesting Excellence by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


Manifesting Excellence

When You Fall in Love…. (Something for YOU)


Hello : )

I hope you are keeping well…

This is something that came to me intuitively this morning that I thought I would share with you….


When you find what you love, whether it be a person, a goal, a dream, don’t think twice about it… embrace it, imbue your energy with it. Mesh your existence with it….

Not compromising your sense of identity, but expanding your sense of identity and who you are with the promise and excitement of your divine spirit expressing delight to you and through you…

You came here for the expression of your spirit and the experience of it than of the second guessing and of the egoic thinking…

You are spirit expressing itself through every joyous portal than a mind calculating the fears and constraints. One leads to ever expansive and exponential expansion, expression and joy, the other to contractive and cautious movements and a potentially declining and uncomfortable existence…

When you fall in love it is not about the object of your desire but the indication that what you feel is the path to who you are. Make the most of it…

Embrace and fall in love with this moment that you are in love…

“I Love You”

~ Hemal Radia


Rose and petals

“Asking & Receiving” When it Comes to Manifesting


Do you realise that one reason why you may not have what you want is because you are in ASKING mode rather than RECEIVING mode?

This is a question that was sent in for this coming Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio download:

I’ve just been listening to a talk and they say that when we continuously ask for help we give our power away … could we discuss this … please! The concept stems from going outside ourselves for answers and not journeying within to find those answers … what is outside is also inside … so why would going outside for help be giving our power away?


I will answer this on the call/audio and talk about how ASKING is good!

It is about asking AND receiving – ebb and flow – when it comes to your manifestations.  Like an in-breath and an out-breath.

Are you just asking or are you ready/receptive to the answer…are you energetically ALIGNED as a match to receive the answer you are wanting?

Are you tuned into the frequency of the ANSWER of what you want?

I will talk more about this and also share techniques and methods of doing this!

Click here to join us on Saturday’s call or the audio download of it and listen in your own time.


Manifesting Excellence