You are Perfect Being You

There is never within any of us such a thing as flaws or distortions other than the masks we have given ourselves.  Deep down from an energetic perspective you are actually ‘perfect’ other than the patterns you have practiced to see yourself with over the years.  You are essentially pure positive energy in a physical form, you are the manifestation of that energy, and moment by moment you are deciding (whether consciously or unconsciously) what the manifestation of that energy is in you being who you are

Your attention can be on the present, the past, the future, or wherever else.  Regardless of where your attention is your point of attraction is in your now moment.  That is what you are attracting more of, whatever your vibration – via your thoughts and emotions – is in your now moment

If your attention is on the lover that scorned you or if it is on the business partner that wasn’t so wonderful, what are you attracting more of?  Or if you haven’t experienced a ‘perfect lover’ but you are envisioning how it might feel, and how it might feel to have your millions and what you will do with them and how your body will feel being how you want it to be – although you may not have yet experienced these but in your now moment you are envisioning them very clearly and deeply and feeling from them, what is your vibration and what are you attracting more of?

What matters most

Don’t spend time justifying why you are where you are at now, don’t blame the lover or the (ex) husband or the (ex) wife or parent or the business partner or friend or whomever.  Take your attention away from that, sooth any hurt around that, and put it towards WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

When your attention (and hence vibration and intention) is on where you want to be you are attracting experiences that match that.  Initially it might be something small that manifests that catches your attention and that makes you think, and then something else happens, and something else.  Your attention – your conscious attention – starts shifting towards it more and more, and your expectation builds; you expect it more and ‘allow’ it into your life by being more and more from that place

And of course, if your attention is on those good things that are trickling in, what is your attention NOT on?  Where you came from!  ‘The past’!  You wouldn’t have time to think of where you came from because you’d be TOO BUSY ENJOYING THE NOW!!!!  Love and enjoy your NOW so much that you don’t think about anywhere else and don’t care about anywhere else, and everything will take care of itself.  Create and mould and shape your now.  Take your attention away from what you are coming from and what you don’t want (that in itself will create a huge shift) and naturally your attention will be drawn to those things in your now moment that you can love and appreciate and enjoy


In doing this you will be adopting all those spiritual principles that you’d been reading about for all that time and were figuring out how to implement: detaching, letting go, allowing, creating, attracting and everything else.  You will be applying ALL OF THOSE just by making the most of your now moments.  In you enJOYing each moment you are not being attached to what you want because your attention is on the now (detachment, letting go), and because you are feeling good you are allowing, creating and attracting

Remember not to beat yourself up.  It is ok if things happen (or happened) that aren’t how you like them or want them to be.  Sooth yourself around that, sooth your vibration around that.  If you give yourself a hard time for too long you are building THAT vibration (and then don’t be surprised if you attract matches to that via recrimination!)

So make peace with the way things are, that will soften your perspective to what you don’t enjoy, it will create the space for what you DO enjoy and your attention will naturally go there.  As it goes there that will build – Law of Attraction – it will attract more thoughts that match that and it will grow and grow and grow and you will see physical manifestations.  If you do not contradict or doubt yourself along this process you will see more physical manifestations and it will grow and build and build and build.  It is loving your now moment but wanting to expand and grow more and have more. 

Your now moment is as rich and abundant as you see it to be, and seeing that will show you more abundance.  There is no corner or spot in the Universe that is not abundant – the Universe is abundant EVERYWHERE – period!  The Universe is not playing a game and has said that just for you – just for you – it will withhold some of its abundance!  It has not decided that just for kicks it will withhold it from you!  The Universe adores you as you are a part of it and it expands THROUGH you – if you win, it wins!

So be kind to yourself, know that there is abundance around you, today, and every day, where you are, and everywhere

In your kindness to yourself the Universe will match that, and you will see things around you, and it will get easier, you will see reflections of your love for yourself and it will expand and grow

Remember to appreciate who you are, there is no coincidence you are here, you came here to do things and experience things.  Appreciate you are here to be you, and you are perfect the way you are

Rainbow flower

A Relationship with someone with an Addiction

Related post: From Drug Addiction and Poverty to a Life of Abundance and Happiness

“I’ve been spending some frequent times with a long time friend and it seems that the path we are on it is probable that our friendship is growing into an intimate relationship.

In getting to know each other at a deeper level, yesterday he confided in me that he is a habitual drug user. Whilst I’m not anti-drug in total as I have had my experiences in the past, a few years ago I made a decision for myself to be drug free and all is well there. In my conscious awareness I never imagined I would be attracted to a man that does these things.

In all your understandings of how this world works, is it possible for a spiritually aware person to hold a relationship and loving space for somebody who isn’t yet aware and involved in self abuse?

Is it possible for one person to love another that it inspires that person to start having self-love?

Thanking you in advance for your help”

> Is it possible for a spiritually aware person to hold a relationship and loving space for somebody who isn’t yet aware and involved in self abuse?

Yes, and you do it by focusing on the aspects in that person that you love and appreciate and you take your attention off those things that you don’t. You do not contradict or mix your attention of love with that of what you don’t like

The thing is whether you can keep your attention off those things that you want to keep it off. The vibration of the love and appreciation of the other person can be built by focusing on what you love and adore about them (without contradicting those thoughts with what you don’t like or that scare you), and that attracts more of the same and the things that you don’t like you will tend to focus on less and less

So what happens if this person furthers their self abuse? There is the possibility of that and you could say to yourself right now that you don’t want to go down that road by not going into this relationship. Or, you could say that you love this person and you’re willing to take whatever path things go in the future and you love them unconditionally. Neither is right or wrong and is totally a choice you can make. There is nothing wrong with either choice, in fact there is never anything wrong in any decision we make in the Universe, the Universe/God never makes a judgement, only we do

> Is it possible for one person to love another that it inspires that person to start having self-love?

So now I guess this is talking about whether you can change his behaviour? Well as you focus your love and attention and appreciation to him, that itself will be a drug for him. That is what we feel when we are in love.

What I would say to anyone going into any relationship is to focus on what you love about that person and not on the things that you would like to change and don’t like. Through your love that person can change, but you should be in such a place that whether that person changes or not you are at peace with it. That is unconditional love and that is alignment.

In you being in that place, whether that person changes or doesn’t won’t matter to you, and ironically it will create the most fertile ground for them to change – but that is also a choice for them to make

Rainbow flower

Posted in Love | Tagged

Manifesting by Keeping your Thoughts ‘Pure’

 Send the Universe a clear and pure (i.e. not-mixed) message and it will respond as quickly as the purity and emotional intensity of your message



I’ll use a material example to illustrate a ‘pure’ message. Let’s say you want to manifest a car and you say “Oh I’m looking forward to my shiny red car outside my drive, but I can’t afford it…

Notice how good it feels up to the ‘but‘ – that is where you are contradicting it, that is where you are mixing up your vibration. If you stop just before that and keep your focus on what feels good (i.e. the car) and keep your attention there, then what feels good is what you are attracting.


Although the above is a material example it applies to anything to do with vibration, keep your focus on what feels good, the better it feels the more pure it is. And the more pure it is the quicker it is in coming into your experience. The more pure it is the less you are giving in terms of mixed signals, the more congruent and aligned is the vibrational signal you are giving off.

When you mix up your
vibration you get mixed results or not very much movement at all, it is
like trying to drive with the brakes on, going forward and being pulled back, and it is not a very
comfortable experience!  And if we keep doing that, i.e. trying to go
forward whilst having resistance, the resistance can grow (attracts
more of the same) and grow and we can see physiological
ailments from it.


In terms of relationships, if you are saying something like “My partner (or potential partner!) is so wonderful I love this and this and this about him or her, I wonder if we can make it work…” then…

As you can guess, when you are saying “I wonder if we can make it work” that is mixing up your vibration about what you want.  When you do the first part and are appreciating and loving your partner, inherent within that emotion is the physical manifestation of that which is a match to it, LET IT HAPPEN.  Don’t mix it up!  And it feels good too!  Focus on what you love and appreciate about your partner, don’t complicate it by trying to figure out the how, that’s when you are bringing your conscious physical mind into it and it does not have anywhere near the resources that the Universe or ‘God’ has!



Here’s another few examples, this time about money:

I want to have soooo much money, but how will I do it?”

I’m going to be a millionaire.  I know some millionaires that are not very nice

Can you see the contradictions in the vibration in the statements?  And remember, you create your reality, everything you experience in your physical reality is a creation on your part, it’s like you have chosen the script and they have taken their roles based on the script you have given them.  Many times you may try to fire the actors and replace them but it’s the script you want to work with – the script that you are vibrating.

Practice the vibration of how you would like things to be rather than the automated scripts you have had running which have been creating your reality without you being aware of it, start creating your reality and your experiences WITH INTENT


Many times people will leave lovers or leave jobs or move countries but they find themselves in a similar situation as before.  The reason for this is whilst they have changed their surroundings and the people around them they are still giving off the same vibration so they are attracting similar situations.  I heard a saying many years ago and it went like this: Wherever you go, there you are.  It’s never about where you go or who’s around you, it’s about working with your vibration, with many of the techniques mentioned on this blog and audios etc, and getting yourself to a place where you are LOVING what is around you, and that will create more of the same, you will attract more things to love.


So, to conclude about ‘pure’, when you think about what you want – or anything – keep your thoughts pure, keep them on what feels good about it. Don’t try to figure it out or work out the ‘how’ or question it, if you just focus on what feels good and keep yourself there (and don’t do ‘buts’) you are attracting what you want, because those pure thoughts will QUICKLY attract more thoughts that match and will grow and your excitement will grow and you will quickly see the physical manifestation. The Universe manifests quickly for you when you get out of the way and let it do what it does best, and you do what you do best, which is to be a creator in harmony WITH the Universe, and that is through you having a pure vibration

Allowing Miracles by Living From Your ‘Purpose’


What you will find is one's purpose is joy, love, enjoyment, appreciation, fun etc – whatever words one wants to use here, the key is the essence, the feeling, the vibration etc – and the FORM (the 'how') of it can be whatever, it can be being great at a sport, business, the arts, internet marketing or whatever it may be. The form can be a range of things and it can vary throughout your life and as you choose, the common denominator is HOW IT FEELS. That is when you know you are connected to your true purpose.

When you are in a relationship and it 'feels right' or a job or work that 'feels right' or something else that 'feels right' then you are on the path of your purpose, and that can be whatever you want it to be, so long as you have a clear vibration about it – i.e. you do not contradict it, your indication is through your feelings.

The terms 'Purpose' and 'Mission' etc have been banded around for many years, what you will find is that when someone feels something is their purpose…it FEELS a certain way, that is the key. The form – the details, the 'how' – of the purpose can change, just as you are ever growing and ever changing, and as the Universe is abundant and has choice and freewill, you can make anything your purpose, it feeling good is the indication of your alignment to it.  The better it feels the more in song you are with it.

When you are in alignment – and you can call it being on the path of your purpose, or whatever terminology you'd like to use – the Universe orchestrates itself and will provide the resources you need to have and be what you need to do. The Universe does not mind what you do, but when you are in alignment with yourself you will expand powerfully and see physical manifestations and the Universe will be your best friend in making sure the road ahead is fine to take you to where you want to go, and if not the Universe will give you signs to take detours that can get you there faster.




The implication of the word 'purpose' suggests it has to be an end result, that's not necessarily the case in how we are talking about it although it is part of the process, part of the mix.  When someone paints a beautiful painting the fun is in the painting of it, when someone is with the love of their life the magic is in the moment. When someone has a child the joy is in the process of it than intending the child to live to a 100 (end result), your joy is in the process of being with your child.

When you have goals, whilst the goal is an end result, your real purpose is your joy and process in creating it, including the contrast and the challenges you experience and how you expand and grow – including vibrationally – as a result. So it's not just about the end result and how quick you get there and in what style.

Everything you go through, whatever detours or dead-ends you take and however challenging it may be, or even easy as it may be, is 'perfect' and part of the journey, it is all adding to your development and there is nothing that you do that is 'wasted', it is all adding to your vibration in attracting what you want. Even when you are frustrated and disappointed in the short term, in those moments your desire for what you want is amongst its strongest, you are hungriest in that moment and your vibration has expanded, and when you get back on the road in terms of your alignment and feeling better and better you improve your alignment and harmony with the Universe and from a more powerful place vibrationally.




So know that whatever you do is fine, it's part of the journey, and as you head towards better and better feeling thoughts, experiences and moments, you are lining up to the magic within yourself and the Universe around you. As you align to that harmony, to that magic, you will literally see miracles happen around you. All the miracles you have ever heard of have all been in this category, there is no difference. And you have access to it a step at a time from wherever you are, right now.

Just start with something that feels a bit inspired, and then do something else from there, and something else from there, and so on. And within a few steps – whilst it may seem 'only' a few steps – vibrationally you are already exponentially so far away from where you started, and the momentum is powerfully towards where you want to go.  Each progressive step is bigger and more powerful as each one builds on the vibrational platforms created by the previous steps.

Realise that you may think there are logical steps to what you want and 'logically' it may seem far away, but when you take the vibrational steps as mentioned here you are taking EXPONENTIALLY LARGE STEPS. You may have thought 'How will I achieve this?' but when you line up to what feels good and to 'You' – the spiritual part of you by what feels good – you are in synch with the Universe and you see the synchronicities and 'coincidences'.

You could for example be in a lift with someone who is looking for something that you are offering and it just 'happens' to be a perfect fit for both of you.  You see the coincidences and the synchronicities happen, and in your excitement and 'allowing' you are letting in more and more of them and you are letting in more of your flow.

When you are in tune with your 'purpose' all sorts of things will open up for you. The Universe is always your friend, though now you are in tune with it and working side by side and all sorts of synchronicities and apparent 'chance happenings' and ideas and inspirations will naturally come through, AND THIS IS THE NATURAL FLOW. Also it won't feel like 'work' because it's 'fun'.

Sometimes people can have a belief of "Can I really do that, as it 'feels like too much fun'", allow yourself to follow what feels good, that is the sign from the Universe, even if it doesn't immediately make rational sense, but it IS getting you in tune with You and everything else.

When you tune into your love and fun and enjoyment and so on you are in tune with what you came here to do



When You Meet Your Soulmate – Follow Up

Here is a message I received following the When You Meet Your Soulmate post

You may also like to check out the comments on that post as there were some questions which I replied to


Hi Hemal,


It made me smile to read this message this morning, it reminded me of how I met the gorgeous guy in my life, I never thought that I would meet such a sincere kind loving person whom would accept me for who I am,  

I was invited to take part in an Art exhibition, he was the person my friend had hired the gallery from, when my friend was explaining to the group where our work would be and how the gallery is set out, she spoke of Jonathan the gallery owner and how he was a really nice person in general……. As she spoke of him I had a crazy feeling I had never had before, it was as if I was attracted to him before I had even met him, something told me I would be with this person!!

We were asked to meet at the gallery a few weeks later, he had been on my mind so much.

The moment I walked into the gallery, our eyes meet, there was an instant attraction, and we have been together ever since, I was single for four years before this, and just thought it wouldn't happen to me, but it did, and he is everything I ever wished for, he truly is everything I prayed for on my law of attraction list!!


 Kind Regards, and thank you for making me smile today…..

 Wishing love to all that is seeking it!

 Sharlene X

Posted in Love | Tagged

When You Meet Your Soulmate

This is something I wrote in response to a note a friend wrote about how Soulmate attraction works,

I totally agree that the meeting takes place well before the physical meeting happens, as with all manifestations, by this I mean that the physical meeting is the consequence of something set in motion from before that moment

then with us being such physically oriented beings we are totally
startled and surprised and bamboozled by this wonderful connection!  Not
realising that this connection is also indicative of our connection to
our Selves, to God and to everything else
, that's why love and
appreciation is so easy and THAT'S WHY IT FEELS SO GOOD!

the two are together there is a great familiarity and that also is an
indicator, love and appreciation come so easily as well and also we see
synchronicities in our lives so much, not just within the relationship
but around us as well because we are in that place, love and
within ourselves is a higher vibration and attracts all
sorts of other positive things in our lives as well, and once again

Posted in Love | Tagged

Hemal working with *YOU*

For quite some time now as I have interacted with people, whether
online or on phone or in person, I have been hearing the results people have been getting from our interactions.  This has been happening time and time and time again.

In my background in the mid 90s when I did my NLP I coached and trained and
developed many of my own Manifesting & Law of Attraction processes
over the years and had results with others as well in my own
life.  What has been happening more recently is that people have also
been experiencing answers from me intuitively and it was very much
resonated with what they were looking for and given them their answers.

wanted to open this option
up for others, for you to work one-on-one
with me on your goals and challenges.  I have a monthly package with limited slots remaining for us to interact via email
and phone interaction on YOUR goals, contact me for more information.

Contact me at about what you would like to work with and for more information.
I am letting people get in touch
and ‘book their place’ as there will only be a number of people I can
work with one-to-one on a monthly basis

I love your work, Hemal.  Between you and Abraham Hicks….I feel so supported in this wild journey!  Blessings from Colorado!

Tamara Kerner, Colorado, USA

I know I always say “Thank you, Hemal” but I mean it.
I am more aware of my alignment, my own vibration, focus on feeling good, Thank you.
Your teaching is always interesting and I feel good reading your articles and listening to your Teleclasses, Thank you.
Thank you so much and I am very happy that I can connect with you.

Rebecca Seal, London, UK

I participated in one of your Teleseminars in August and it was amazing how the experience not only stayed with me throughout the day, but as positive things occurred, they kept growing and compounding.  Everything seemed to flow so easily – the more people I encountered, the more I was able to give to them and receive back their energy.  By that evening, I was feeling so “buoyant” that when I was suddenly asked to speak in front of an audience without warning – instead of panicking, words just flowed easily.  And – at the end of the day: I won 3 raffle prizes that night!

So Hemal, don’t feel pressured – I won’t be expecting that kind of result from every Teleseminar you do. 🙂 But I know I will come away with something very special.
To folks considering working with Hemal, I highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to get to know Hemal and hear what he has to share with all of us.

You can really get to know him; he is down-to-earth, authentic, and really has something of value to offer.

Dora Crow, California, USA

Your answer is exactly what I
wanted to hear and I immediately feel more aligned with my goal and I’m
certain I am going to receive it within the next few weeks.
Thank you so much!  In all honesty this is fantastic!
The depth of information you give is very good.
Thanks very much Hemal

Sanjay Patel, West Midlands, UK

I’ve been aware of Law of Attraction for some time now, with most things I can deliberately put myself in the best feeling place, but other times I have needed some clearer direction.

Hemal’s website and useful advice have been incredibly helpful. His experiences of using the Law of Attraction and his wisdom and compassion makes him an extremely understanding and non-judgmental person. It is often useful to have an objective point of view, and someone who might be able to say that something is not quite in alignment. Although, I fully understand the Law of Attraction, his post on health which was a response to a question of mine, goes into great detail about finding that great feeling and getting into alignment with your body.  I knew I had to find the feeling that I would feel when I reached the finished and achieved my goal, but all the other extra tips and advice made that bit of difference.

It is great to have someone who asks: How did you attract this into your life?  What beliefs, thoughts, restrictions, are in place? It is also wonderful to have someone who can put out a specific plan for helping you achieve your goals, whatever they are.

Tanya Moore, Newcastle, UK

After just one coaching session
with Hemal Radia and Kim in the Teleseminar they held, I began to
observe the limiting beliefs which were keeping me separate from that
which I desired. From this new awareness and observation I am able to
powerfully shift my perspective in a way that has enabled me to
actually become and therefore attract what I truly desired.
I really enjoyed listening to the teleseminar and the two teleclasses
that have taken place since then. I felt that there were certain things
in what was discussed that related to me.
There are two more teleclasses that are yet to come and for which I am eager to listen to.
 I would recommend everyone interested in this subject to join Hemal’s Teleclasses, I am sure it would be of great help to them.

Bhavini Raicha, UK
(she sent this at the time when the teleclasses were running live)

”…..since we met 10 years ago you
have been an inspiration and an influence to me on how to on how to
walk the talk. On a continuing basis have I seen how it is possible to
take action not just sitting and feeling nice vibrations. I look
forward to the next step on our journey….”

All love, Elizabeth, Denmark

I have had coaching on many levels with Hemal. Of late I have experienced his coaching with spirit. It’s incredible. Hemal’s insight into Law of Attraction is wonderful as it is, but coaching with spirit brings it to a whole nother level. I  asked him about my relationship with another person and the extra insight was awesome. It helped me to see things that I hadn’t seen.

Kate Strong, New Zealand


“God’s delays are not God’s denials”

This was a comment from Meg to one of my posts on "Don't focus on the Who or the How, only on the What", I thought it was a beautiful story and so titled it "God's delays are not God's denials" and highlighted it in a post…

think there is one important thing about this — we inherently 'know'
if we are wanting someone that we simply can't have for whatever
reason (such as Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie!). But also, just because someone specific we desire a chance with
doesn't manifest immediately or even quickly, doesn't mean that it
won't be.

For example, my husband and I dated for a brief time many years ago,
and through tragic circumstances, were parted. Neither one of us in all
those years stopped hoping and desiring the other, but things had to
work out for the best timing for each of us. I was faithful to my heart
and never dated anyone else, and didn't stress it.  I was content and
fulfilled in my life as a single woman.

My husband was in a very bad
and controlling marriage, and though he'd had many signs he should take
action to leave, it took him a LONG TIME (6 years) to finally make the
move. As soon as he did, all the things he'd wanted for all those
years, started to arrive — including ME! We ran into each other
several times out and about.
When we want something that can't be — be it Brad Pitt 🙂 or Angelina
Jolie, we will get re-directed to where our true desire lies.

Just my thoughts, and my experiences! Great blog."  -Meg


Accelerating your Manifesting & Law of Attraction skills!

Many of you have been asking about them and the audios on Manifesting & Law of Attraction are now available!

These are from the teleclasses in the summer which if you didn't attend them live then you can download them now

There is a free audio in which I answer questions from around the world on the topic and there are 4 audios on Accelerating Your Manifesting & Law of Attraction Skills which are over 6 HOURS in duration in total and include handouts for each audio, for more information click on the following links:

Free Audio

Accelerating Your Manifesting & Law of Attraction Skills Audios

Accelerating your Manifesting & Law of Attraction skills

As a Single Parent How do I Handle my Ex?

Hi Hemal,

I enjoy reading your blog, it is well laid out and easy to follow,
something which I notice is often lacking on topics of a spiritual
nature elsewhere. Often there are too many bells and whistles and the messages are
lost amongst it all but yours is clear to read!

I teach people how to manage stress and anxiety, and one day I may
consider teaching the LoA depending on how open my clients are.

problem is, I am absolutely useless at applying the LoA in my own life
despite having seen the effects years ago before I even knew there was
a name for it. I have recently become a single parent and feel nervous every time I see my ex as he is so unreasonable about contact with the
children. I had been going along with his demands for contact and
hoping that being generous would lead him to being the same but it
isn't, so how do I get tougher without inviting more negativity for


Hi Abigail,

Being 'tougher' implies you have something to 'be
tough against', which implies on some level you are thinking of
something you do not want, and of course if you have something in your
vibration of what you don't want you are attracting more of the same.
Ask yourself what you DO want instead, how you'd like things to be, practice
those thoughts and vibration.

Focus on what you DO appreciate,
that you have a wonderful child, that you are getting to spend time
with him or her, that although the dynamics have changed recently you
are making the most of what you have and are enjoying and appreciating

And despite what your ex does or doesn't do, practice your vibration
towards what feels good to you rather than as a response to how he behaves
otherwise you may find yourself up and down, practice taking your
attention off that and putting it onto your own alignment
, in that
being what feels good to you (as that is your 'guidance', intuition,
whatever you want to call it), or at least feels 'better' to you, as it
is all relative

When you get into your own alignment others
around you will change, or you will see those aspects in them that
match your vibration, OR, when they behave those ways they used to you
won't see it or be around because vibrationally you won't be a match and
are instead lined up for what you do want. All in all it means the same
thing, when you have lined up your vibration and have alignment [to what feels good to you – that is your 'purpose'], you
will experience more of that

Hi Hemal

Thanks for replying. I guess it takes a big leap to
move away saying 'I don't want…' to 'What I want is…'. So is it
better to say 'I want for our boys not to have to make a very long car
trip' rather than 'I don't want the kids making a long car trip'?  How
else can I specifically spell it out for my ex that I don't want the
kids being made to do that?  If I don't spell things out, he will claim
he didn't realise my point.


Hi Abi,

When you say 'I don't want them to make a long car
' or 'I want them to not have to make a very long car trip', they are both the same thing in that the focus is still on not making a long car trip, i.e. on what you don't want (you can't process a 'negative'; don't think of a blue elephant in a purple tree – you can't 'not' think about it, you have to think about something to not think about it, hence don't put your attention towards what you don't want), put your attention on
what you DO want instead
, so I'm presuming what the most important things are
is that the boys are well, happy and so on, put your attention on that, whatever your (positive) intention is.  Practice your vibration around that.  If they are fine and happy making long trips or doing other things
then that is still a match to what you want, let go of the form, let go of judging the form of how your positive intention is achieved.

So ask yourself why you
want what you want to get your positive intention, i.e. them not having long trips for example is so
you want them to be well etc, put your attention on that than on 'how' it happens.  You are presuming what they will go through with long car journeys, and that may be well-founded based on what has happened in the past, but soften your perspective on it, soften your beliefs and thoughts around it, focus on what you do want than on what has happened in the past, create the present and future based on what you would like it to be than your experiences in the past.  When you are looking to avoid the past happening that is where your vibration is, instead start practicing how you would like things to be.  What you create in your future is just a matter of which vibration you practice and all possibilities are open to you


Bit by bit also take your attention away from the frustration of the
interactions (with the ex) and put it on what you are wanting, which is how you want
the boys to be. Because if your attention is on frustration, you will attract a match to that either in that context or elsewhere, put your attention on
the wellbeing of the boys, and the key thing is how it makes YOU feel,
put yourself in that place, and let the form and the happenings take
care of themselves.  Right now you probably have a list of the things you dislike about your ex and how you don't want things to be, but do you have a list of how you want things to be?  Which vibration are you practicing stronger?  Which is your dominant vibration?

And what I am talking about is more about
your own focus and vibration
than what you say to the ex, if you are
vibrationally in the right place then the right things will take care of themselves, if needed you will say the right things or you may even find that you don't need to say anything as they are taken care of

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