“Which is better: Visualization, Writing it down, or Meditation?”

I often get messages from many of you with questions about joining Manifesting Excellence.  Just to let you know that we had the first call of the year on Saturday and it is available as an audio in the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting.

Below is an overview of some of the content on it:

– “When trying to manifest, which is better: Visualization, writing it down on paper or journal, or meditation?
The key thing is the FEELING of what you want to manifest
– Using different processes for different areas of your life at different times
– Identifying more unconscious or subliminal thoughts
What to do when “feeling good” isn’t easy because you aren’t feeling very good
Lifing yourself up many energetic levels
– “How is our health being affected by our emotional state?”
Your body, mind and spirit know what to do for a perfectly healthy body, other than when you block with resistance
Negative emotions distort the communication within your body
– Your body – like everything else – is constantly regenerating itself
– When you are in your flow you are allowing in the ‘life force’ – just like when you are in love or excited about something
– “How do you control your thoughts?”
– “Manifesting flippantly
Being light and loose about what you want to manifest
Manifesting $10,000 being as easy as manifesting a parking space
– As you go up the energetic scale you get more outrageous, creative and inspirational in your thinking
– What thoughts come up that you don’t want? Release the negative emotional base of them
Amplify the good thoughts you want with positive emotion
– “I’m in a relationship and afraid of sabotaging it. I fear it not working out or me not being good  enough or pretty enough of keeping him. I really like him and I’m fighting myself with the negative and the fear…what can I do?”
– Filtering present relationships and yourself with habits from past relationships
Dulling your senses with noise from the past
Things to say to yourself to feel better about yourself and the relationship you are in
Setting outcomes and goals for yourself and the relationship into the future
Abusive relationships and the dynamics in them
– An abuser acts the way they do because they are so disconnected and out of their flow
– “I lost my work and then couldn’t find more work and went through all my money and bottomed out as an alcoholic. I have now been sober for 5 1/2 years and lost a job recently and am filled with fear. I am working on a movie and believe I have many other talents but do not know how to bring the money in. I also believe I may have blocks to money and self-worth and self-esteem are always a work in progress  for me. What can I do?”
– Turning intention to something commercially profitable
Use the Manifesting Excellence private Facebook group to interact ideas
– When in fear, start making actions to get the momentum going

You can register at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting to access the audio from the call at the weekend as well as the archives with audios on topics such as attracting money, relationships, freeing up energy and emotional attachment, making 2013 a great year, and much much more!


Despite What Happened, Your Life Will Be Even Better


Many have been through some form of major experience, whether it be in having to move home, losing a job or a business not working out, a divorce or relationship change, a bereavement, or some other personal matter, and then found that it is not easy to ‘find themselves’. 

What can also happen after a major incident, besides the life change, is the carrying of emotions and any beliefs and perceptions as a result of this experience.

So someone comes out of an experience where they might feel lesser for it, perhaps having lost something on a physical level – whether it be possessions, finances, or a part of themselves.  As well as any potential ‘scarring’ they may have experienced, and being worse for wear.  Does this seem familiar?

Not to worry if it does.  The rest of this article will focus on the remedy of it. 


My book talks about us being much more than the physical body that we are.  You are divinity in physical form.  You are energy.  And so much more.

All your desires and wants are already in form energetically, just not in physical form, yet.  Just because you have been through something traumatic, it does not mean anything has changed.  What has changed is your relationship to those things as a result of your beliefs and perceptions because of what you have been through.  Those thoughts of doubt that you have, they create a discord between where you are and where you want to be.  The more you doubt yourself, or have fear, or other thoughts incongruent with your desires, the stronger the emotional pain that you feel and the stronger the indication that you are off-course.  Move towards what feels less worse, and then towards what feels better.

Painful emotions are an indicator that you are off-track.  They are not here to punish you.  They are an indication, a guide, as to the direction to your light.

When you berate yourself and beat yourself up, notice how it feels?  And at other times when you are kinder to yourself and forgiving and allowing, notice how that feels?  The better it feels, the more you are facing (and heading in) the direction you want to be.

It is not what happens but your perception of it that affects you and your life.  And thus then also creating the possibilities in your next moment.


No matter what has happened, no matter what may appear to be ‘damaged’ in physical (or emotional) form, it does not need to affect you or your life.  This is an abundant Universe with all possibilities.  Everything is fluctuating as energy and all possibilities exist.  You literally mould the reality around you with your thoughts.  When you have doubts and fears, they are projected into your reality.  When you have an assuredness, that no matter how, things will be fine, and you genuinely feel this, the way is more likely to be easier. 

River - shadow

The best vibration to have is not one where you are imposing on the Universe to do something for you, but one where you have a knowingness of your own divinity and wellbeing.  The Universe corresponds to the vibration that you offer – whether it be in reflecting you being of ‘need’, or in reflecting the knowingness of your power.  Two different vibrations with different reflections from the Universe.


It may seem that you have lost things dear to you – whether it be a home, a business, work, loved ones, children, or others.  Realise that nothing is ever lost and the connection is eternal.  You may not be together in physical at this moment, and there’s nothing to say you won’t be again, but put your focus on your forward path. 


The vibration of looking at the past and perceiving ‘loss’ is not as conducive to you attracting what you want as looking to the future and knowing fresh possibilities are ahead (including with the same people, if you so choose).  The possibilities are there, and they enter your life as quickly as you create the space for them.  They do not necessarily require physical resources, they start with you creating the energetic space and your alignment for them.  Then they happen.  And in your building awareness and confidence, more come.

But when you look back and focus, whether consciously or unconsciously, on what is lost, you are offering the vibration of loss, and this creates an energetic barrier between you and what you want.  The barrier is as strong as your emotion is about it.

Realise what happened has actually served you in that you have responded by growing on an energetic level.  You now just need the alignment on the physical level in your realisation of your divinity and that all is (and will be) well. 


So realise, no matter what, all possibilities exist.  Remember that playful wonder when you were a child of getting to create and build again.  We often forget this, and often don’t allow ourselves this because we think we are too old or that it’s not possible to create again or that we do not have the resources.  These are ALL beliefs.  The Universe is a malleable energy that responds to your thoughts.

Play with the creative wonder that all possibilities are (and they always are) open to you.  What would you do, be and create?  What do you get to do?  How?  With whom?  Do this just for the sake of raising your energy.  Do this consistently and long enough – without doubting or fearing, as much as possible, and notice the physical manifestations that occur in your experience as the shoots of recovery.

The Universe never forgot you and has never not loved you.  You only created the separation through your feelings of unworthiness, hopelessness, destitution, and anything else which is far, far, far away from the joyful, loving creator that you are.  Life can be difficult sometimes.  But within you is an inner spirit and glow, and a love, which when you radiate from within, lights up the life you experience.  The intention of this article is to remind you of it.

Remind yourself of what is worthy about you.  Of what is valuable about you.  Of what is lovable about you.  Of what is priceless about you.  When you start seeing it, the Universe can start reflecting it back.  See yourself as a unique aspect of divinity.  There will never be another like you, ever.  Bask in that place and live from that place.  From that perspective, all that seemed painful will change.

Life is like a river.  Where you put your attention and energy now will influence what flows to you next.  Old waters will pass.  New, fresh waters will enter your experience.  You have choice in what you experience.  You choose by what you feel and expect.


There are free resources and links at http://www.hemalradia.com, as well as Hemal’s Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching programme and Working One-to-One with him.  Free Chapters to his book “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” are also available.

5 Thoughts on Law of Attraction in Your Life


1 The relationships you experience are a projection of your emotions.  They are acting out the scenarios in your vibrational script.  You can change the people, and new people will come in though they could have the same dynamics if you are offering the same vibration.  Change the vibrational script – via your thoughts and emotions – and the dynamics of the relationships in your life change.

2 – When you want to be having something in your life, start with a thought about that subject that feels good. Many people think thoughts that they doubt or contradict easily, and so little moves.

Step back a bit from it, and find a thought that you can ponder and dwell on, which feels good, and there isn’t that inner voice that doubts it. When you have the thought that you can congruently experience, just by dwelling on it, you attract another thought soon after (Law of Attraction!), and another, and another, and so on! 

That’s why I often say it’s like dipping into a stream.  There is an infinite stream – you just have to join it at a place you feel comfortable, then it will take you to wherever you want to go (by attracting more of the same).

3 – When you have an area of your life you want to improve or change, notice how you feel about it and what you think (how you feel will be a consequence of what you think).  Are you having mixed thoughts about it?  Any reservations?  Get to a place of congruence (i.e. not being mixed, but a place of clarity) on the subject.  From that ‘pure’ vibration, you will attract solutions and resources more easily.  From a ‘mixed’ place, it can be like trying to travel with a handbrake on.

The place of clarity can be anywhere, but the key thing is you are congruent about it.  Then, you just focus on it, and it takes you to where you want to go on the subject.  Most people don’t get there because they contradict or offer resistance and so the natural ‘stream’ can’t take them, they are offering too many mixed signals.  If you offer a point of clarity, the Universe will reflect that back to you, and it expands and grows.

4 – Be aware of your daily thoughts (and hence daily vibrational offering) about a subject.  It’s not just about the visualisation and other processes you do.  Be aware in case you are contradicting the processes with your thoughts during the day. Someone may visualise more money, but if in the day they are having other thoughts about it, they may be contradicting their good work.

5 – Realise that everything is in constant motion, even the things that appear to stay the same. They appear to ‘stay the same’ because you have the same attention on them and are re-creating them.  Everything is like a stream, a stream of life we could call it.  Everything is being re-created in each moment by your attention to it (as is the case with your body as well as everything around you).  Similarly, all relationships are being re-established again and again. 

Likewise, love is a process.  It is not just something that ‘happens’, but it’s also a process (whether conscious or unconscious) of ‘being’ in love that you are ‘doing’ in each moment.  Love exists and stays in your life because you are perpetuating it each time.  That is the same with everything else – whether it be poverty, wealth, loneliness, good health.  Nothing can exist by itself other than by a process – whether conscious or unconscious – which KEEPS it reoccuring (the consequence of the process may be actions, but also vibration).  The process re-establishes your relationship with that ‘thing’ and keeps it in your life.

If you think about it, you have a relationship with every ‘thing’ in the Universe – object, person, and any other.  Manifesting is about the process of your relationship with it.  When you want something to leave your life, it is also about the relationship with that ‘thing’.



Lac Monroe