Can Change be Quick, Easy, and Long-Term?


There may be moments when the journey isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you.


Have you worked with yourself on your own beliefs and energy?  How was it for you?

This has been a bit of a theme recently as I've been sharing information on my group calls about working with your own beliefs and energy.

 We experience what we do in our lives and go through the changes we need to experience.  Whether it be to move towards something or to move away from something, or both.  Change is a constant in life, as is your own growth and evolution

 How you handle it and how easily you go through it, is up to you.  Below are some insights that may serve and inspire you in what you experience. 

1 – Change CAN happen quickly?

Some changes can appear to be difficult, and some things can need work.  But…change can also happen quickly.  One of the keys is in identifying the centre of the issue or the key dynamics and patterns in play.

This is where I feel many people miss out…whether they are using spiritual healing, EFT, NLP, therapy, or other tools, they don't get to what the issue or the patterns are.  Once you get good at finding this, it can be easy and intuitive in finding it in yourself and others.

2 – It doesn't always have to take lots of 'work', it can oftentimes be just about shining the light

Oftentimes when you find the real issue and see it, it is so obvious, it disappears (I often get this with clients or those on the group calls). The reason for this is because your present day awareness is greater than when you first took on the 'problem'.  When you clearly identify what the issue is – when you have the centre of the issue – and shine your awareness and wisdom from today upon it (oftentimes just by being consciously aware of it), it can resolve itself.

Where people might have challenges with this and that not happen is if their awareness isn't to a sufficient degree to resolve the issue.  In which case it is then about sharing insights and awareness with the person (as an example, when working with others and if this happened to be the case, I would then work on educating them, sharing perspectives, sharing resources such as my book, content, etc with them in increasing their awareness to shine their light) such that they DO create a separation and movement from the issue and it disappears.

3 – Can change be permanent?

This comes down to various factors, particularly to how well integrated the change is.  If the new 'you' has conflicts of self sabotage, then it's not so easy. Identify how the new 'you' feels, play it through in your mind, make it feel good.  In fact, if you can see the new 'you' as more 'you' than you have ever been, you are on your way.

I believe if change is healthy, progressive, organic, amongst other things, then it will stay.   All that I teach (or when I work with others) is geared towards that, towards progression, evolution, growth, learning, self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, self-awareness, and so on.


 Realise…life will happen…and there will be changes…there may be ups and downs…how you navigate this journey and your course will determine how you feel and the degree of happiness and satisfaction you experience… 


There may be moments when the journey isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you…




Does the Universe substitute Love?

Earlier I had a question about whether the Universe 'substitutes' your desires, such as Love, which I shared with the coaching group (which had its one year anniversary this week!) on the private Facebook group. I thought you might enjoy the answer so I have posted it below:

Just because you haven't gotten what you want yet, doesn't mean it's not on its way.

I had a question asking that if you are looking for a love relationship and the Universe gives the qualities of that to you through friends, a parent, a child etc, does that mean it doesn't want to give you a love relationship?

The answer is no, it doesn't decide or 'judge' what you can have, that is down to your own allowing and your own energy/vibration (after all, you and the Universe are one anyway). Yes, the Universe can give you aspects of something through other avenues, but that does not mean that you cannot have it in a relationship as well. In fact, the fact that you are getting it through the other avenues may be an indication that you are getting closer to what you 'really want'.

“Attracting Soulmates” Conversation

I thought you might enjoy this excerpt from an email interaction I had with a client towards the end of last year.  She has happily agreed for me to share this.

Client: The Universe is going to bring you exactly what you want and what you are a match to… So if your "perfect vibrational match" was hypothetically in Canada or Russia would you get nudges, synchronicities etc that would lead you there, or them to you?

Hemal: Yes, or even someplace else.  It could be that someone somewhere else is also a match or someone in your own town or street is a match and you are given the guidance/steps to experientially realise that.  For example, there could be someone in your street who you weren't attracted to but through your intention and desire and alignment you have a growing awareness and attraction for them…a week or some other time later you see them in a different way – with "new eyes" – which is all we are doing when we are creating, we are seeing the world WE (i.e. you) have created with "new eyes" – and the world obliges.

So it’s not just about being attracted to someone physically, but having the awareness and energetic alignment to it.  If you are not energetically a match you won't see each other or the attraction won't be there. 

Re: Canada/Russia, you may get nudges in that direction…and all of a sudden a cousin in Canada/Russia might say "Come and visit me" and send you a ticket and you end up there and happen to be somewhere where you meet your match.  Or, as mentioned above,  you may meet them somewhere else.  You handle your energetic alignment, let the Universe handle the details.

Client: Would they only be there if that was what you believed?

Hemal: A
ll possibilties are around you and it is up to you in seeing/recognising this – and yes, our beliefs are when we consistently see/experience something.    It’s like the salt cellar, what we want can be in front of us but us not recognise it.  When we attune to it, we see it.

It’s to focus that it’s here and feel it and let the Universe reveal it – though it’s not actually the Universe revealing it, it’s you revealing it to yourself, as you and the Universe are the one and the same anyway.

Client: Do you think there are always 100's of matches to you anyway??

Hemal: My view is there is no limit – the Universe is energy and everything is malleable.  Everything changes form, as do you and your thoughts.  It’s also not about what’s ‘out there’, everything out there is a projection of what’s ‘in here’.  So when you work with what’s ‘in here’, you see it more and more 'out there'.  It’s all a total choice.

"Relationships" was covered in the group call last Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence Group Calls.  Upon joining, you can access a recording of the almost 2 hour call.

If you would like to work one-to-one with Hemal Radia click here.

“Attracting Money and Material Possessions” Call/Audio this Saturday

This Saturday's group coaching call will be about "Attracting Money and Material Possessions".

This is a popular subject which many of the members would like to get content, processes and answers on.   Another topic that is being asked about which we will most likely cover soon is about "Losing Weight".

If you'd like to be on the call or receive the download of it then you can register via the webpage at Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Calls

As members and those joining submit questions, these will form the processes, techniques and content that will be covered as a result.



“How I Attracted $6,000, Twice, and a Rent-Free Home This Year”

As you may know, much earlier this year I created the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching Calls.  A lot of people are having challenges in their lives and seeking answers.  I wanted to create something where people could easily and inexpensively get answers.

Over the year this has grown and flourished.  Including recently where we have been having an absolutely fantastic, fun and frenetic time playing “games” pretty much on a daily basis which help us attract more of the things we’d like.  We have had the Relationship/Soulmate Game, Prosperity/Wealth/Money Game, Health/Ideal Body Game, Gratitude Game, and others.  I am getting feedback from members saying that the thrill they feel in interacting with like-minded others and the friendships and support they find, as well as in having access to my skill and expertise on calls, is priceless.

As a Christmas gift to those who are registered, I have recorded a couple of audios from two members who have had various manifestations this year.  That’s right, these are REAL-LIFE PEOPLE IN THE GROUP WHO HAVE CREATED MANIFESTATIONS IN THEIR LIVES.  They are people with ‘real-lives’ like you and me and everyone else who have gotten into their flow and made things happen in their lives and in those around them.

They include a school teacher in Australia, and we talk about:
– How she Attracted a $47,000 lump sum
– How she has Manifested $6,000 twice this year (once in 5 days, the next time in 2 days)

– How she recently Attracted a Brand New House with no rent to pay and no electricity bills with all the mod cons
– Attracted 4 Scholarships to the value of over $20,000
– Manifesting Money
– How to Speed up Manifestations
– And much more

On another audio I also talk with a nurse in Scotland about:
– How she Attracted her “Dream” Car within a couple of weeks of when we started working together
– All sorts of other Manifestations such as Parking Spaces, Discounts on Groceries, Green Lights at Traffic Lights, Cups of Tea, Boxes of Chocolates, Energetically getting Someone to Move Out and her Move on with her Life , and More
– How she Applied what she has learned to her Hospital Ward and How it Inspired other Nurses and Colleagues!  Less Politics, More Spirit and More Laughter!

This will be a Christmas gift for anyone who is registered on the group calls.  If you’d like to register you can do so at: Group Coaching Calls.
There is no obligation to attend calls, you will receive a download link for them.

The website will be updated soon. You can register for $1 on it and also automatically receive a courtesy copy of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” after the trial period (value $14.95).



Law of Attraction




“Find You & You Find Everything” Limited Edition Unavailable Soon


This week will be one year since my book “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” came out.  I am touched and honoured by all your feedback and your stories of what has happened in your life since reading it.  Thank you. It is truly an honour and delight to interact with you about it and hear your experiences.

Just to let you know, if you haven’t got a copy yet, that the Limited Edition version of it will not be available for too long.  If you would like to make sure you get yourself a copy or get copies for friends and family, please use the following link: “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

This page has links to Amazon and Lulu for the Limited Edition version, as well as the e-book version of the New Edition.


Law of Attraction book



5 Ways to Make Change LAST

For a number of years I have been linked with being a Law of Attraction and Manifesting teacher, coach and author.  Behind all that, and with over 15 years of experience, is in helping people create lasting change in their lives.

Law of Attraction and Manifesting don’t tend to work if you are not in alignment with a new ‘you’.  It’s about creating integrated and ‘whole’ change in alignment with who someone is.

At this time of year, people are thinking ahead to creating changes in their lives.  I will be working with my clients and those on my Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching calls to envision a wonderful 2012 for themselves.  People often find that the changes they make do not ‘stick’.  Here are 5 tips to making change last for you –

1 – Integrate it With the Rest of You

Change doesn’t often ‘stick’ when there is some element of you that conflicts with it.  Some emotion or belief or value or ‘attitude’ conflicts with the new change and eventually ‘overrides’ it.  Also, ensure it is congruent with who you are, your identity, and how you see yourself.

Have an internal check, does this change feel congruent?  Is there any resistance or conflict to it?  If so, identify and align it.

2 – The Motivation Behind the New Change

Are you motivated to making the change for someone else or from a place of imbalance, such as to address a fear, insecurity or something else?  In likelihood the change may not have as much motivation or ‘power’ behind it to last than something resonant with the core of your being.  This can be relative in that at times fears may motivate us (because we are emotionally/energetically in that place); use the greatest motivation for yourself at this moment, and go from there.

If the intial spur of motivation is from someone else, identify YOUR motivations for making this change.  It will tend to ‘stick’ better that way.

 3 – See it in Your Past and Future

You could imagine having this behaviour or this change in your past and future, and as a result imagine how it would feel if you are very familiar with it.

When someone is giving up something, such as changing their diet or something else, what leads to them regressing is they have had the identity of their ‘old self’ for years and so the change doesn’t last.  Their mind sees them how they were and doesn’t integrate the new change.

Change how you saw yourself.  Change how you see yourself in your future.

Changes can happen in minutes. It’s a matter of choosing to see oneself a certain way and doing this with internal alignment.

4 – Accountability

Some find that it can be motivating to be accoutable to someone in entraining a new behaviour.  Kind of like having a training partner to meet you each morning if you are going to be wanting to going to the gym regularly.

This can be useful, if it’s something that resonates with you, particularly in the short to medium term, and based on the dynamics with the person you are being accoutable with.  In the long term, you may want to entrain the behaviour to a degree that it becomes a habit and a way for yourself or you have love for the process.

5 – Love for the Process

This is probably the most important.

If you can love something enough, and not have objections or resistance within yourself to doing it (such as ‘not enough time’ or ‘I can’t get round to it’, or other conflicts), in likelihood you have a habit or behaviour that will last.

Oftentimes people start a behavior for the outcome – for example they want to exercise to lose weight, they want to make financial decisions to create a nest egg, they want to do things for their partner to add spice to their love life, etc.  The key, ideally, is to be in love with the process and the outcome takes care of itself.

If you love adding spice in your relationship, your partner will feel it – including in your energy.  If you entrain a mindset and love exercise, in likelihood the weight will come off, or the benefits to self esteem and one’s own flow will make it more of a non-issue.

Loving the process is different to someone doing a process just for the sake of an outcome and not having the energetic alignment to it.  Loving the process aligns your energy to the process, and makes the desired outcome more likely to happen.  

Loving a process is not just a matter of getting ‘lucky’ in liking something, it’s about the perspective you have about it.  We have all had the experience of loving something we once didn’t, because we changed how we saw it.


Click here if you would like to work one-to-one with Hemal

Click here if you would like to be a part of the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching Calls.  You can try it for $1.


It Doesn’t Have to Be A Perfect Journey


If you're feeling something uncomfortable, question your thoughts/beliefs around it. In likelihood, there will be a presumption of limitation or scarcity or something in what you are thinking if it feels that way. The more and more you are in tune with 'you' and the Universe, the more elegantly it flows. 'Resistance' is what creates the discord. Alignment and easing into 'who' you are flows easier and easier.

It doesn't necessarily mean that things are always smooth, that's part of the journey and gives you emotion, desire, perspective, for choices you make towards your alignment. It doesn't have to be a perfect journey, but ideally make your response to it as best as you can, that serves and helps you to your alignment.

~ Hemal Radia




“Find You” E-book OUT NOW! DISCOUNT until this Friday

The e-book version of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” is now available! 

You can find out more about it at: “Find You” E-book version

It will be available for $14.95 but for a limited time, until end of day THIS Friday, 11th November, you can download it for $9.95!

This is the complete 171 page book which you can download and have within minutes.

As mentioned, you can get it at :  “Find You” E-book version

This e-book was given as a pre-release courtesy to those on the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching Program and anyone joining, beyond the 7 day trial, will also get a copy.

Law of Attraction book

End of Year One-to-Ones/Gratitude Game News


Breaking News: The Gratitude Game

An upcoming board game, called The Gratitude Game, which will be unveiled at a Las Vegas Expo soon, will include some of my quotes.  We will also be exclusively sharing the content from the game pre-release – questions, fill-in-the-blank quotes cards, alphabet cards etc – and playing it on Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching calls
There'll be more news to come on that…

Coming to the End of a Year/Start of a New Year

It's coming to the end of this year and people at this time start thinking about the what they would like to be happening next year and also in wrapping up loose ends with this year.

It's been an eventful year, and for many, quite challenging for many reasons.

I have been honoured to work with the clients that I have this year, including those I interact with regularly on the group coaching calls – the intention of the group coaching when it was created near the start of the year was so that you could have access to me where cost would almost be a non-factor, and interact with others of a like-spirit.  

I'm proud and privileged to be working with those of you on it as well as my one-to-one clientele.  It has been a year of wonderful manifestations and stories shared, only some of which get to be shared publically – but inspirational when they do get to be shared.

As you come to the end of the year and think of next year, as well as tying up loose ends from this year, I want to offer something to help with this.
What if you had the chance to work with me on:
– Letting go of your challenges from this year, or even from before this year.

– Letting go of themes that have troubled you in your life.  Whether, for example, it be in the area of relationships, your work/career, finances, and more.

– Change how you see yourself.  When you let go of things, how you see yourself will change.
– Create a new direction and new possibilities for yourself
– "Find You", and what you love and what you are here to do.

– "Getting lucky" – what I mean by this, almost jokingly, is when I work with clients, they very often, and often soon after we start working together, find they are getting more and more "lucky".  For example, finding that all of a sudden people that they were having trouble with are treating them differently, finding situations resolving themselves or taking care of themselves, and much more.

The packages to work with me include:
– A high end package includes meeting in person (flight/other expenses covered by client)
– 4 hour and 2 hour packages that include Skype/phone and unlimited email interactions over the month
The Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching calls (just $37/mth, including being able to try it for $1 for the first 7 days)


Email to with what you would like to work on and more information can be sent to you.  


Currently there are up to 3-5 spaces available on the one-to-one, depending on whether you are interested in the 4 hour or 2 hour package.  You confirm via a Paypal link and you are ready to start right away.

So, if you'd like to set the course for 2012 being a phenomenal year for you, I look forward to hearing from you.  If there is anything from 2011 that you'd like to leave behind and move on from, I look forward to hearing from you.


Email to for more information.