Dealing with the End of a Marriage or Relationship (or Anything!)


When we have decided we will spend the rest of our lives with someone (or it feels that way), and it doesn’t quite work out that way, we have to deal with the emotions about that, the dynamics of the relationship, as well as all the other emotions in play. It can be a time of upheaval.  Remember what it was always about: you went into a marriage/relationship for happiness, love and joy.  Let that be the light for you to head towards – these emotions, even if at the time they might appear in the distance.  Remember also that perspectives and circumstances change very quickly in your changing attention – ‘things’ and solutions appear where they weren’t appearing previously.


The marriage or relationship was meant to be a reflection of these emotions for you, not a replacement.

Avoid getting pulled into the dramas. They take you away from your true self and your true authenticity. You went into a relationship for two wholes to create something special together. It is still about something special (it always is) – You. And despite there being another, you could only have something special together, from your own specialness individually; that has not changed anyway.


When a relationship (or anything) ends it seems like the end of something. Consider that the ending of the relationship (or anything) was actually part of the process of something new beginning.

The relationship served it’s purpose and all possibilities are open to you in your now, as they always have been. They are open to you from your true self and your true authenticity.  Not from games, smoke and mirrors, and distortions.  All those things hide the real you. And if you feel the need to be scared and not yourself, what is it that you are (vibrationally) communicating to the rest of the Universe?


Realise your power is within you, not on what happens outside of you (which is a reflection), and in your now.  And despite what has happened with this other person, you are no less adored and loved.


The Universe totally adores you unconditionally, it always has, other than the doubts and conditions you filter that love and ‘energy’ through. 


Remember to look for the indicators in your experience of how you are blessed and what you DO have, than what you don’t.  Sometimes we can look at something that has ended or is ending and feel regret and sadness, especially if we are not wanting it to end.  It may seem like a loss of your whole world.


Realise that this relationship was something that you made your world, it was something that you expanded to make your world, by your attention to it.  When something then turns not so pretty, it can be uncomfortable.  Withdraw your attention from it, and balance it with the rest of your world that has always existed, that you had selectively filtered out whilst you focused on the relationship.  You are just shifting your perspective from this person or situation to be in balance with everything else.  Previously, when things were good, because they were good, you chose to shift the balance and make it your predominant focus.  Now, as you move on for now, you are shifting the balance, and creating space for other things in your life.  And of course, the Universe responds in kind with new energy.


There is an abundant and infinite stream of what can come into our lives.  When we hold onto things due to our emotional attachments, we are not allowing the space and freedom and possibilities of what else may come into our lives.  We can use fear to hold onto things, or trust and faith to allow this energetic stream.  It’s not really about the relationship with the other person, but the relationship with ourselves and our own divinity.


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Jealousy, Control & Fear are Denials of Who You TRULY Are

“Hi Hemal, I was wondering what your thoughts were on jealousy?

I have been hurt so badly in the past by someone and struggle to move on from that.

I stayed alone for sometime and thought I had dealt with it – via reiki and positive thoughts and law of attraction etc – now I am with my new man I on occasion feel it in my stomach and find it hard to keep under control.Dont get me wrong its not a possessive thing, just the odd occasion where I feel sick to the stomach. I know deep down its my own mind and self esteem and I work with this daily but wondered what your view on it was or any advice from your way….thanks for your time to read ..have a great day

Em x”


When we are going into a relationship, we are feeling wonderful things and the beautiful emotions build and build – an example of Law of
Attraction!  And then what happens is we may experience fears and
insecurities and other things may come up.  It may be that we are fearful of losing what we have, or that we have a bit of moment to reflect and absorb what has been happening and start to ‘think’ (and the fears and ‘patterning’ come up) rather than continue ‘being‘ in that wonderful feel-good place.


“After people attract something (such as a relationship), they can
sometimes get busy trying not to lose it, which is a very different
vibration to what attracted it to them in the first place…”


Jealousy is a response to thinking that something is yours when in fact, like everything else in the Universe, it isn’t, and you are no ones either.  Other than the fact that you are two souls meeting along your journey.


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The discomfort that exists is because you are thinking thoughts that
are taking you out of your flow and from what you want.  And what you
want isn’t just this physical being in your life, but the essences of
what you are experiencing.  Whilst your physical body and mind
experiences this person, your soul and essences are experiencing so
much more and that is what led to the physical meeting.

You can’t be jealous if you are on your path and know that you will be ok. You cannot base your own wellbeing on another’s presence and feelings for you, but on your own connection to wellbeing and flow (which in itself is attractive for others to be around you).

You love them and adore them because, as a free being, you are chosing to be with them, and vice versa. There is no attachment or holding, especially emotionally. Allow them to be free, they will appreciate and love you even more for it.  Otherwise, energetically, they will feel constricted too.  And when someone feels constriction or pressure, little things can start to come in (such as disagreements, arguments etc) which can build.  It is far better to have the space within ourselves and allow the other, and ourselves, to be who we are.  To be fearless in all eventualities and being at peace with them, so we can enjoy our now.


Heart shaped birds


“Anytime we build a strong momentum about something, and we experience
strong emotions or fears to the contrary, it can get pretty

You cannot carve out and separate a bit of the Universe (such as a person) and hold it in statis
forever and say it is yours.  Everything is interconnected and
interrelated, as are you. You wouldn’t want it any other way.  You
wouldn’t want to be disconnected from your flow. It is more important
to you than this relationship or anything else, because it is to do
with your relationship with who YOU are as the spiritual being that is
living this physical life.

We fear losing what we have but remember we cannot ‘hold’ or ‘force’ something.  What we can do is deal with the fears about it.  What would happen if this person left?  Be at peace with that.  Have it so that does not scare you and you can focus your emotional energy on appreciating what you two have together.

Anytime a limiting thought comes up, identify the underlying what fear behind it, and let it go.  All fears are limited perspectives of the Universe.  They imply that you will not be ok as a result of something happening or not happening.  When in fact the Universe is wellbeing and does not place conditions on it, only you do.

“You came together to love and adore each other, not to be scared of what the future may hold.”

Any jealousy or element of control is about one’s fear or lack of security or certainty about having or keeping something that they want, or how they want it. It is an illusion because you can never truly ‘have’ something and keep it static forever and how you want it.  That’s the illusion. And that can be scary itself the first time someone realises that.  But that’s only fear, it is not reality. The reality is you have no need to be scared because you are safe.

The ‘truth‘ is your flow and connection to all that you want, including through this person or thing that you want. Take your attention away from the noises and distractions from fear, and put them on your truth which is your ever-abundant and ever-infinite flow and adulation from the Universe.

How can you ever be without when you realise how much you mean to this Universe?  There was no coincidence in your creation, and nothing would be withheld from you.  You just needed to know how to ask for it – vibrationally.  In realising your connection, you have nothing to fear being without.  It’s like having fears in looking at a blade of grass, and not seeing the whole field.


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A Story about Manifesting a Pet

I put up a photo of a friend’s cat on the Hemal Radia page on Facebook a few days ago.  Another friend of mine, Jen Reynolds, commented with a story of an experience she had.  Enjoy 🙂

“I found a cat almost 9 months ago.  The funny thing about it is I was talking about how I wanted to get a cat because my dog (Note: Jen’s dog is “Chaco”, her chihuahua, who she calls her “5lb rat”) is afraid of a lot of things including other dogs but he seemed to really like cats when I took him for walks.

I talked about wanting a cat for a couple weeks on Facebook, Twitter, and to my friends.  I am not sure why I wanted one so bad but I knew that if I felt it… It was something that I needed and kept my eyes open and even planned to visit a shelter the next week.

One morning at 4 AM I heard a kitten crying.  Half of her tail was cut off and she was bleeding.  I took her in and bandaged her up (I have scars on my arm to prove it LOL)

I thought I was helping her and was grateful to do so.  What I did not know is how much she would help me.  I have a medical condition that sometimes flares up in cold weather or barometric changes and every time I have an ache or pain, this precious cat lays right on top of it and warms the area up.  It really does ease the pain!  There have been times when it was raining all night and when I woke up she was on top of my chest and stomach just to keep me warm which reduced my pain

It is amazing what a precious pet can do and teach us!  This picture (that she was replying to on my page) just reminds me of how precious our furry friends are!  OHHHH AND SMART! They live in their flow all the time.  It is amazing!”

Jen and Chaco & Chica

Jen with Chaco (right) and Chica (left)

Reminder that Early Booking Discount for Vegas event is until this Friday

Some of you have booked and I know some of you are yet to book onto the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event.  I just wanted to remind you that the early bird booking discount ends this coming Friday, 21st May.

For more information and to book go to

Yesterday, we received some photos of the event room from the hotel where the seminar will be held, the Trump International, and I thought I’d share them with you.  We have also been going over the courtesy meals for attendees of the event.

Also do remember that we have negotiated a deal with the hotel for attendees of this seminar to have studio suites at $99 (excl taxes) and have a view of the Vegas Strip.  These are subject to availability and on a first come first served basis.

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact Stephanie Swann-Stringham at or myself at

If you’d like to know more about the content of the event, more information about it, or to book onto it, you can do so at

Enjoy the pics!

View from the hotel room

The view from the seminar room

Entrance pic 

The entrance to the seminar room

Studio suite strip view

A studio suite with a view of the Vegas Strip

Skyline at dusk

Skyline at dusk

Skyline at night

Skyline at night

“7 Questions (& Answers) about Self Belief”

About a week ago I was asked if I would answer some questions about self belief. I’m asked these sorts of questions often so I thought the answers might be useful to put in a post.  More information below…

Hi Hemal,
I hope you are doing great. I am reading a book on how to improve my grades in school, and I am on a part which talks about self-belief. I have an exercise to complete which is to ask a few questions to those that I admire the most. I thought that you would be the perfect person to ask. I know that you are a busy man and I won’t mind if you can’t take time to answer these, but I would really appreciate your response.  🙂

1. What compels you to take action and begin any type of work or project?

To follow my inspiration and what feels good (or ‘best’ in that moment).

2. What makes you keep on taking action when you feel overwhelmed? What makes you think you can finish it and do a great job of it?

Staying in the moment as best as possible.  Having faith and ‘knowing’ you will, but staying in the moment and enjoying it regardless of the outcome.

3. Others have not accomplished what you have. What do you think makes you different than them?

It’s not about what others do or not do.  It’s about whether I want to do it and if I do then staying in the moment and doing it.

4. When you have a challenge in front of you, how do you deal with it and how do you get past it?

Don’t see it as a challenge unless it inspires you positively, but focus on the outcome and how you’d like it to be and build that up.

5. What goes in your head when someone tells you that you can’t achieve your goal?

It’s not about what others think, it’s about oneself and their flow and their feelings/beliefs

6. What if you are wrong or if you make a mistake? How do you deal with this?

There are no mistakes.  If something doesn’t quite happen how you’d expect, see it as still fine as you got many other things out of it and what you needed from it you ‘perfectly’ got.

7. Can you provide me with any suggestions to help me develop a successful mindset?

Start with the intention and the application and continue building it.

And check out my free audios and blog!


Oh my God!!  These are the best answers I could get!!! You are awesome!! 😀 Thank you so much!  I really really really appreciate you taking time to answer them. Have a wonderful week! 😀

Anything YOU’d like to share?  Feel free to share in the comments below.

FREE “BEAUTY in LIVING” Wallpaper for May 2010


Many of you will remember the downloadable wallpapers from this blog last year with the inspiring quotes and pictures.  We have one for May that you can download right away!

The quote says:

“See the BEAUTY in places you never looked before for beauty.
Remember that the gift of life isn’t just in the having of it, but in the LIVING of each moment of it…”
~ Hemal Radia.

To download it, right click on the appropriate link below and “Save Target/Link As” and save it to your computer.

You can download this image in various sizes depending on the resolution of your computer:

Enjoy the wallpaper!  And feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you think 😉

LOA in Vegas

“When someone says something unkind to you…”

I thought I would share some quotes with you that were shared on my Facebook Groups & Pages earlier.  Since they went out, I have been swamped with mail (in the nicest of ways)!  (And thank you!)

I'll share the quotes and also where you can get more:

"When someone says something to you unkind, remember that what they are saying is a projection. It says more about them than it does about you. If your reaction is of sadness or fear, that's your stuff. Work on that. All the other stuff is their stuff. What they say is their stuff, how you respond (including within yourself) is your stuff. Keep yourself around people that appreciate you." ~ Hemal Radia

This was on the Manifesting & Law of Attraction page

"Someone who is fine being 'alone' in their own company need never be alone. Someone who is prosperous in any moment need never be poor. Someone who finds the joy in each moment need never be sad." ~ Hemal Radia

This was on the Hemal Radia page

Some of my quotes are sent out on the Hemal Radia Appreciation Group on Facebook three times a week.  There is also the Universal Law of Attraction group on Facebook too.

If you would like to send a friend request on Facebook, you can do so at Hemal Radia profile on Facebook.

I also send out quotes occasionally on Twitter and you can 'follow' me on there at Hemal Radia on Twitter.

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Honoured to be Amongst “The Masters”

Recently I was honoured to be asked by Quantum Attraction website if they could include me on their page of “The Masters”.  Also on the page are Esther Hicks/Abraham, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer amongst various others.


(You can access the page by clicking the pic below, or by clicking here)




“How to Make Affirmations, Goals, Mantras, and much more, work for you”


I received a question about how to make affirmations, goals and mantras work “better”, which stimulated me to write a bit on this subject.  The answer goes beyond the scope of what was asked in the question.

From my other articles or teleseminars, you’ll know my emphasis of focusing on the feeling of what you are doing (and wanting); that is the indicator of your vibration about it – and being a vibrational match to what you want is how you let it into your life.  If you are not connecting with your feelings, you’re not evoking your spirit, which is what we’re here to do after all, aren’t we? 🙂

What many people are not aware of when they use goals, affirmations, mantras, visualisation, or anything else, is that it is not about what you use, but it is ALWAYS about your vibration.  When you are looking to make Law of Attraction work for you, it is about you and your vibration.  What will work for you best will be that which raises your vibration the best, in that moment.  There are times you use a fork, there are times you use a spoon; similarly, you can use different techniques for different things.

“It is about the vibrational relationship between where you are and your desires.  Your emotions are the indicator of that relationship, and what you need to be doing to be closing the gap.”

This is something that I tell my clients and guide them with.  When you are looking to use a technique, it is just a tool for you to work with your vibration, as is everything else – actually, as is everything else in life.  In your experiences in life, you make choices and preferences and decisions – you are always moulding and adapting your vibration in all of these instances.  There is no moment in your existence when you are not influencing your vibration (for one reason, that is what you are: a physical extension of who you are on a deeper level).  Every thought that you are thinking, even the ones not in your conscious awareness, are shaping your vibration and what is coming into your life.

There is so much I can say about techniques, and oftentimes I do, especially in the teleseminars.  On the question of goals, affirmations and mantras, here are a few quick tips about them:

1 – Does it feel good when you think about the goal etc?  If not, why do you have it as a goal?  Because others want you to have it?  Ensure it is because you feel good about it.

2 – If it feels good, how can you tweak the goal (or affirmation or mantra or whatever you are using) so that it feels better?  Can you think of something more to this goal that you can add?  Something else?  More specificity?  A different colour?  More belief in what you can have?  What ways can it feel even better?

3 – If it’s an affirmation or mantra (i.e. “words”), there are certain words we have which are emotionally loaded.  How about “money”, or “soulmate” or “sex” for example.  Find the words that you have that feel the best for you, relative to what you are wanting, and put them in your affirmation or mantra.  Use modifiers to make it feel even better – words that make it feel even better, eg “my palatial mansion”, “my beautiful car”, “the woman/man of my dreams“, “deep peace” etc.

4 – Mantras can be different things to different people.  For some, they may be something they repeat to “get” something (such as a goal).  For others, they may use mantras to create a peaceful mind and be in the moment – it is more ‘state’ oriented than ‘goal’ oriented.  For example, they may repeat something whilst doing breathing exercises to orient themselves in their now.  If this is the case, then be aware of this and choose the words that best orient you in your now and your attention in the direction that you would like to be going.

5 – The goal which you visualise or affirm is relative to where you are at, vibrationally.  As you grow vibrationally and get closer to it, it can mean and feel differently.  Pay attention to your feelings.  You are an expanding being, and as you grow and expand, focus and include the things that feel best to you – similar to as mentioned above about making it feel better and better.

“It’s about raising your vibration, not about the ‘things’.  If you raise your vibration, the ‘things’ will come.


Reconnecting on Facebook

In case you’re not aware, about a week ago, for some reason which I did not receive a clear answer on, my profile and the “Hemal Radia” page were deleted on Facebook.

I have a new “Hemal Radia” profile and page and you are welcome to connect at both, although I will look to have more interactions on the page.  They are at:

Hemal Radia Profile

Hemal Radia Page

Hemal Radia Page on Facebook

Manifesting & Law of Attraction Page

Although this was unaffected, if you are not on it, then feel free to check out the Manifesting & Law of Attraction Page

I look forward to connecting with you! 🙂

Other useful links include:

Hemal Radia Appreciation Group on Facebook, where they send out my quotes three times a week

Universal Law of Attraction Group on Facebook

Hemal Radia Twitter profile, where I ‘tweet’ many quotes and content