“How Does People Pleasing Interfere with the Law of Attraction?”


Here is a FREE Podcast compiled by Ali Wylie where I answer a question on a live call about about helping others and what if it gets you out of balance to attract and manifest what you want, and what to do about it:

Helping others is an extension of your own natural abundance
It’s about how much it takes you out of balance and out of your flow
Over-extending yourself, keeping your cup full
Great results from even small actions
What is the energy behind you helping people?
Avoid guilt and fear being a motivator
Helping people through your divinity, flow, creativity, inspiration and love


Click here to access “How Does People Pleasing Interfere with the Law of Attraction?”


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FREE Coach Cafe Radio Show Interview Audio


I was on Estra Roell and Kathleen Martin’s Coach Cafe radio show yesterday where we talked about a variety of topics including how we often manifest ‘incorrectly’ in trying to attract the things we are wanting, living from our purpose, how to follow our ‘essence’, whether to take physical actions or follow our inspiration or both – and how to do this, relationships, money, and a lot more.

Click here to Access/Download the Radio Interview


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LIVE “Law of Attraction in Australia” event



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On 17 & 18 November this year we are running a live event on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia…”Law of Attraction in Australia“…and you are welcome to join us!

There is more information at www.LOAinAustralia.com

It will be an opportunity to attend a very special seminar where you can learn more of the ‘secrets’ of manifesting what you want and also meet fabulous like-minded others! 

Two years ago we did a Las Vegas event where the spirit was phenomenal and life-long friendships were made.  Our intention would be that to create a very special experience for you.

To incentivise you attending it:
We have aimed to keep the costs down for the event so as to make it as affordable as we can
We have arranged accomodation on the Saturday night if it interests you as well as meals and refreshments
– I have agreed that anyone who registers will have courtesy access to Manifesting Excellence (“ME”) up to the time of the event.  It is also an opportunity to connect with others there who will be attending the event
– We are supportive of attendees connecting with each other and arranging tours, meals and get-togethers outside of the event

Please do let family and friends know (there is also an affiliate program in place).  As well as attending a live seminar with me and the content I share, our aim is to have this as a wonderful meeting place for all that want to meet each other in person.

For more information or to book go to www.LOAinAustralia.com




FREE Manifesting & Law of Attractions Podcasts go Top 5!

I wrote to you earlier last week about free new podcasts of mine that my friend and podcast expert Ali Wylie had been putting online, within a few days they went to number 4 position on Podomatic website’s Spirituality category!

There are two ways to access them:
1 – On iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/manifesting-law-attraction/id544488188 – do be sure to rate and comment on them!

2 – The specific podcasts on the Podomatic website. More are going on there all the time, here are some so far:
“Hemal Radia Quotes”
“Aligning Energy to Your Goals”
“Money Problems? How Do We Stay in the Flow?”
“Getting in the Flow”
“Raising Confidence”


podcast top 10



Visualisation as a Tool to Massage Your Energy

Visualising is one of the most popular tools in your spiritual toolbox and there are so many ways of using it.  Whether to use it with your intuition and have energies represented to you symbolically, to change how you see yourself or a situation, or many other ways in using your ‘inner mind’ with this tool of “seeing from within”.  Today you will experience how you can better use it as a tool to more effectively harness the Law of Attraction and manifest more of what you want.

People often use visualization but then say that they do not get what they want.  Why is that?

Because it is not just about visualizing.  It is a tool.  Manifesting is about a relationship you have within yourself with what you want.  Visualization is a tool to massage that relationship and work with your own energy in relation to what you want.

When visualizing, you see the end in mind, but you also relate it to your emotions.  That’s how you use it to get better at manifesting.  As you visualize, be sensitive to what your emotions are telling you.  When it comes to manifesting, adjust what you visualize so it feels as good or as real as it can.

Also do remember, it does not have to be that you visually (or necessarily clearly) ‘see’ something, it can be a ‘sense’ that you get.

Consider the following:

– What can I visualize that brings me great delight?
– What are the aspects of my goal(s) that feel good to me?
– What can I see beyond my goal, into the future, that feels good to me?
– If I had no fear and no doubts, what would I allow myself to see?
– If I was to be bold and outrageous, what do I allow myself to see?

This is just the start to using visualization to benefit yourself and the lives of those around you…


To find out more about Visualizing and Manifesting click here to check out Manifesting Excellence

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Love Quotes/FREE Audios (podcasts)


Recently I was approached by my friend and podcast consultant Ali Wylie mentioning that a lot of people would love to access my material via podcasts on iTunes.

So, she started putting some podcasts online of me answering live questions and if you’d like to access and subscribe to them for FREE you can do so on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/manifesting-law-attraction/id544488188


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The podcasts on there already include about (the following are all clickable FREE to get to the specific podcasts, or all of them via the above iTunes link) “Getting in the Flow“, “Money Problems? How Do We Stay in the Flow?“, ” Raising Confidence“, “Aligning Energy to Your Goals“.  Each are short snippets you can enjoy and are time efficient.

Ali would also like to create podcasts with my quotes.  So today, we have posts on various groups and pages of mine on Facebook asking people to send in their favourite quotes to be picked for me to record onto podcasts so you can download them!

What are your favourite quotes of mine you would like to ‘hear’ me say?

Below are those that have been submitted today and have been picked so far –

I give a flower to you where the petals each carry a letter of your name, and in the centre is my heart ~ Hemal Radia

Sometimes we can’t fall in love with what’s possible because of the limitations we construct about it… (Hemal Radia)

Love and limitation are like oil and water… (Hemal Radia)

What comes to you in your life will be in the easiest way it can enter your life. Your beliefs and thoughts (i.e vibration) determine the path of least resistance in your ‘allowing’ of it. ~ Hemal Radia

I love you (manifestations) not because of you happening or not happening, but I love you for the joy you give me when I think about you… (Hemal Radia)

Which other quotes would YOU like to submit?

And do remember, you can access the podcasts and subcribe to them free at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/manifesting-law-attraction/id544488188 



How to Have a Successful Career AND a Successful Marriage/Relationship


On last weekend’s Manifesting Excellence call there were questions submitted by someone looking to attract a job which included dealing with fears and challenges she was working through.  One of the dilemmas she was having was an internal conflict in believing that if she had a job with job satisfaction, she wouldn’t have money, and vice versa.

How would you deal with this conflict?

Can you think of others?
How about:
– Can I have a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship?
– Can I have independence AND a fantastic and amazing relationship?
– Can I have someone that I am deeply attracted to AND who is good for me?

And so on…

This was towards the end of the call and if you’d like to access it via Manifesting Excellence you can do so by clicking here.

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When you have an internal conflict between two (or more) things, you are creating a dichotomy – a split – in how you see things about what is possible and what isn’t.  That split creates boundaries between the two things that you want.

This could be obvious such as some of the statements above or quite subtle such as “Shall I do x or y today?”

When you decide to do something, do it.  Don’t split your energy over it.  

When you split your energy over something you are diluting your resources in the manifestation and the inspiration to it.

The skill is to bring those two outcomes/goals/realities together and integrate them into one, i.e. –

– A life with a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship
– The feeling of self (within which is ‘independence’) AND a fantastic and amazing relationship
– Someone that you are deeply attracted to AND someone who is good for you

When you start to SEE something, you start to make it happen.

When you see a split in what is possible, or see it as impossible, it’s harder to create it, unless you happen to take your attention off the conflict (/resistance) and allow in what you want.

If you’d like to get access to the Manifesting Excellence call that covered this and much more click here.



5 Thoughts about What is Happening in your Life


Firstly, if you’d like to check out the Manifesting Excellence group calls you can do so by clicking here.  These have been popular for over a year now with life-changing experiences all the time!

Also, the 4-part “Fundamentals of Law of Attraction” teleclass series starts tomorrow (Thursday)…with an online teaching classroom…downloadable audios afterwards and teaching assistant that will be creating class notes (these teleclasses are included as a courtesy for those on Manifesting Excellence).

5 Thoughts about What is Happening in your Life

1 – Realise that things will change…

They always head in the direction of improving, even if in the short term the scenery appears to suggest otherwise.

Use the scenery to determine where you are on the map and alter your course. Assume you are always on your way to better pastures…

2 – You have a relationship to everything…

Your partner, your children, your money, your health…everything.  Every-thing and every relationship responds to your energy about it…

3 – There are even more possibilities for you than you may realise…

Your situation may seem limiting or there may be limiting parameters, that is because of the perspective you are looking at it from.  Step back. Let go of some of your assumptions about it.  See the possibilities.  Sometimes we can’t fall in love with what’s possible because of the limitations we construct about it…

Love and limitation are like oil and water…

4 – You don’t have to be shy or limit yourself…you CAN ‘have it all’…

You are a child of this world and an aspect of it.  In you ‘having it all’ – with the right energetic viewpoint (towards your divinity) – you provide the alignment and inspiration for this world to be ‘richer’ and ‘better’.  You become a conduit for the natural prosperity that exists (oftentimes dormant) in your life and in other’s lives.

5 – No matter what is happening, it really will be ok…

Things may get scary.  These are indications of situations traversing outside of your beliefs.  So, what happens next?  You and your beliefs expand and grow.  You rise to the situation – otherwise it stays scary and painful.  You grow, you rise, you learn, you expand energetically.  As you expand, you attract ideas and inspiration and manifestations that correspond to this growth.

Do check out the Manifesting Excellence calls and the “Fundamentals of Law of Attraction” course starting tomorrow…you may find them life changing!


  beautiful flowers


“You are Amazing and Divine…”

Is this something you were aware of?  Or did you need me reminding you of it?

“Amazing and Divine” not in an arrogant way, but a healthy inner awareness of your magnificence and brilliance as the divine in motion through you.

We are and always have been this, no matter how much we may have tried to mask it with our doubts, fears and self-limitations.  The limitations and fears are temporary and are illusions, despite how real they may appear.  What is ‘real’ and eternal is your divinity and natural beauty.  It is constant and always has been here, ready to flow through you to your manifestations… 


How about living your life with the presumption that you ARE amazing and divine…with no justifications or explanations needed?


We often seem to feel the need to justify our grandeur but find it so easy to belittle and undermine ourselves.  Turn the tables.  Why?  Because it’s the natural flow.  How do you know?  By how you feel.  Your emotions (and intuition) are telling you what is correct and what isn’t.

There’s a reason why one feels good (your grandeur) and the other feels bad (belittling yourself).  The one that feels good is closing the gap between you and your divinity, the other is increasing the gap.  What occurs when you close the gap?  All that you have been asking for and waiting for… 

The “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” 4-week teleclass hosted by en*theos starts next Thursday 5th July 2012.  Click here if you’d like to know more about it.


Fundamentals of Law of Attraction


Tomorrow’s Manifesting Excellence Call

Tomorrow's (Saturday 30th June 2012 – available as an audio download if you are reading this after then) Manifesting Excellence group call includes the following questions:

– "There are numerous occasions in the past when I've been driving – at least 30-40 times – where I've been momentarily distracted by something and then either gone into another lane, swerved towards something, or something else, and every time I have turned back JUST IN TIME to avoid any major accident or death. I feel it's impossible I lucked out every time, it defies probability…is there something more at work?"
– "How do I know what's ok to manifest? I change my mind at times, whether it be money or a car or anything else, and I contradict myself. How can I have clarity on this and attract what I'm wanting?"
– "It's hard for me at times to be specific  about what I want…how do I get around this to attract what I want?"
– "I seem to have resistance in setting an amount or 'form' of what I want, how can I loosen this up?"
– "What are the best ways for me to feel less nervous and more confident? Affirmations?  Other ways?"
– And many more!

Click here if you'd like to join the call  (You can receive the audio download of the call too)