“Working with Fear about not having Money” and other topics

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Working with fear around not having money
– There are different ways into your flow
– Interaction about losing weight
– Being ‘pinned down’ energetically by the present
– Setting targets and a future direction
Enjoying the process and stepping away from where you are coming from
It’s the emotions behind not having money, such as survival, embarassment, etc
– Working with the core

Fear can be like quicksand
Make a list of fears and concerns and work through them, whether emotionally or behaviourally
Make a list of 50-100 constructive ideas – the key thing is to get your mindset in a place of solutions and ideas
See this as a phase in your life (ie transient) and you will be moving on to better things
– “Meditation is normally said to be great and most spiritual masters seem to recommend it. Why is that? Does it get you better into your flow?”
– Because of what you go through you will be better and stronger
Set an outcome or goal or direction. It is easy for your mind to veer towards fear, give it another pre-set direction so it has somewhere else to turn to than the fear
– What would you like? How would you like it? Get as specific as you can?
– “Trying to do too much”
The key thing is your alignment, not whether too much or too little – what feels the best and most desireful?
Avoid second guessing yourself and “splitting” your energy
Does it feel better or worse to do less? How about to do more?
Being ‘hopeful’ about manifestations and what it implies
– Getting conscious about how your impending manifestations feel to you
– You want to be ‘solid’ in your congruency and alignment
When you ARE it, you don’t have to think of becoming it
– Being gentle and soft with yourself and closing the emotional gap from where you are to where you want to be
– Being general at first and getting specific
– eg “I may not be where I want to be, but I’ll find my way…”
– eg “I may not know the how, but I love me having x. When I have it I will love x, y, z
The emotions you feel are indicative of the emotional gap between where you are and where
you want to be
Incorporating more into your life that adds towards your congruency, and taking things out which lead to incongruency
– For some people it can be addictive dealing with those that are incongruent. Be aware, and step
– “Energy vampires
Don’t get pulled into other’s issues when you don’t want to be. Be vigilant and aware
– Nurture the thoughts and things that add to your congruency and alignment
– Like orange juice, are you adding to the concentration or diluting it

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting




“Which is better: Visualization, Writing it down, or Meditation?”

I often get messages from many of you with questions about joining Manifesting Excellence.  Just to let you know that we had the first call of the year on Saturday and it is available as an audio in the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting.

Below is an overview of some of the content on it:

– “When trying to manifest, which is better: Visualization, writing it down on paper or journal, or meditation?
The key thing is the FEELING of what you want to manifest
– Using different processes for different areas of your life at different times
– Identifying more unconscious or subliminal thoughts
What to do when “feeling good” isn’t easy because you aren’t feeling very good
Lifing yourself up many energetic levels
– “How is our health being affected by our emotional state?”
Your body, mind and spirit know what to do for a perfectly healthy body, other than when you block with resistance
Negative emotions distort the communication within your body
– Your body – like everything else – is constantly regenerating itself
– When you are in your flow you are allowing in the ‘life force’ – just like when you are in love or excited about something
– “How do you control your thoughts?”
– “Manifesting flippantly
Being light and loose about what you want to manifest
Manifesting $10,000 being as easy as manifesting a parking space
– As you go up the energetic scale you get more outrageous, creative and inspirational in your thinking
– What thoughts come up that you don’t want? Release the negative emotional base of them
Amplify the good thoughts you want with positive emotion
– “I’m in a relationship and afraid of sabotaging it. I fear it not working out or me not being good  enough or pretty enough of keeping him. I really like him and I’m fighting myself with the negative and the fear…what can I do?”
– Filtering present relationships and yourself with habits from past relationships
Dulling your senses with noise from the past
Things to say to yourself to feel better about yourself and the relationship you are in
Setting outcomes and goals for yourself and the relationship into the future
Abusive relationships and the dynamics in them
– An abuser acts the way they do because they are so disconnected and out of their flow
– “I lost my work and then couldn’t find more work and went through all my money and bottomed out as an alcoholic. I have now been sober for 5 1/2 years and lost a job recently and am filled with fear. I am working on a movie and believe I have many other talents but do not know how to bring the money in. I also believe I may have blocks to money and self-worth and self-esteem are always a work in progress  for me. What can I do?”
– Turning intention to something commercially profitable
Use the Manifesting Excellence private Facebook group to interact ideas
– When in fear, start making actions to get the momentum going

You can register at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting to access the audio from the call at the weekend as well as the archives with audios on topics such as attracting money, relationships, freeing up energy and emotional attachment, making 2013 a great year, and much much more!


Letting Go of Emotional Attachment

Thank you for your Happy New Year messages!  I hope your New Year has started wonderfully well!

In the last day or two on the private Facebook group for Manifesting Excellence there was a thread shared by someone about letting go of attachment. I had mentioned something last year and she was mentioning how she had found it transformational. I later commented on her post and afterwards thought that you might enjoy it too, I’ve included it below.

(If you’d like to check it out, click Manifesting Excellence to find out more)

Letting Go of Emotional Attachment

“Another way of letting go of emotional attachment is asking what if it doesn’t happen? Not that you don’t want it to happen, but of revealing fears and letting them go about it so you can focus on what feels good to you about having it.

It appears paradoxical in that it seems you are releasing what you want, but you are releasing the fears so you can make space for what you want.

When we want something with fear (or other emotions) attached to it we are sending out mixed signals and we wonder why it doesn’t come to us and what we are doing wrong. It’s actually that we have those emotions there and by releasing them (and when we do we are genuinely at peace about it because we have placed our power in our Self than on something outside) we have created space for what we want.

There are some spiritual circles that say not to have desire. I think it may be about semantics as oftentimes they imply that the desire has elements of fear or lack etc and that’s why they may be saying not to have desire.

My view is it’s about letting go of the emotional attachment (which is through the negative emotions) and you are left with pure desire, pure Source energy, pure love, pure God – whatever you want to call it – and it’s the most powerful and most purest energy and you will create in your life as if you are God. Well, you ARE God, an aspect and embodiment of God and offering the unique reflection and aspect of God that no one else can.”




“Soul-to-Soul Love vs Ego-to-Ego Love”


Soul-to-soul ‘love’ is flow/infinite/abundant/expansive and connective…
Whereas ego-to-ego ‘love’ can be divisive/fear-based/limited/scarcity thinking and contractive.

Ego-to-ego can resonate at times in people’s journeys and their evolution and for where they are at that moment – there is nothing necessarily ‘wrong’ with it, it can be a phase like many others.

But it may not be something that lasts as it is based on the superficial and transient, than on the deeper, infinite, the divine, or the ‘truth’ – who you really are.

You are your soul/spirit in addition to your physical form. Loving something (or someone) for their form is transient because they will change form, as will you.

But loving someone for who they are will be an eternal love affair because that’s ‘who’ they are and who you are.

One is expansive, abundant, timeless, connective and adds to who you are – the other is divisive, fear-basesd, contractive and transient.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

 Soulmate and Soul Love


“Finding Love” call this week


This Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call is about "Finding Love"!

* Do you keep attracting the same type of man/woman into your life?

* Are you finding that what you are looking for hasn't been appearing in your life?

* Are you scared of getting into a relationship or feel that you won't be happy?

* Do you believe that what you want isn't out there?

* Do you believe that you are carrying the past with you and it makes it difficult for you to have what you want and be happy?

* For this and much more, and YOUR questions, join us on the Manifesting Excellence call this coming Saturday!

Click here to register for Manifesting Excellence

P.S. In registering you also get access to the call archives on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go and much more.  Register at Manifesting Excellence



“5 Thoughts on Using your Intuition to Manifest What You Want”

The “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starts this Thursday and will be covering many topics including using your intuition to more easily and effectively manifest your goals.  This is a live course and the audios are downloadable afterwards.

In light of that, I thought you might enjoy the following…

1 – The path from where you are to where you want to be is revealed as you energetically line up to it.

The intelligence and information is ‘unlocked’ as you get into frequency and resonance with what you are wanting.

You can get into frequency and resonance with anything that has a frequency and vibration, and… everything has a frequency and vibration…

2 – There is usually a question (an ‘asking’), even an unconscious one.  This is followed by the answer in energetic form which you decode into a from that you understand, eg something you see, something you hear, something you feel etc.

When people get wrong information it is usually because:
– They are asking the wrong questions
– They are not able to discern the correct inutitive information from the noise

3 – All information is available to you. It is based upon your openness to what you are wanting to know.

4 – You will always get an answer. The accuracy of it will depend on your interpretation and ‘decoding’ of it

5 – This channel of information is available to you just like your other senses. It is just about activating and bringing this forward in your awareness, asking questions, separating the clean information from the noise.

Click here for more information about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting this Thursday

Mastering the Law of Attraction

5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




Upcoming Resources for YOU!


Just to give you a heads up, over the next few days, weeks and months you will be having access to various content and resources from me, including some free resources.

Also, in order to update you on something upcoming or to share content, you may be getting more posts from me.  I hope this is ok with you!  The intention would be to share content and resources with you and let you know of upcoming events that may interest you.

I am teaching an online “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course in just over a week (Postnote: This is available now as an audio via the same link)

Excerpts from these will be shared on the Manifesting Excellence calls as well as articles I will be writing and radio shows and free calls that are upcoming.  The articles will be shared here on the blog at www.manifestingandlawofattraction.com.  If you haven’t checked this blog out in detail, it has been running for over 4 years and has over 300 posts!

Below are ways that you can access this information, including some free resources, to get the answers YOU want to create more what what YOU want in YOUR life!

Here are some aspects of what is currently scheduled –

– 27th September (Thurs) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time – FREE 30 min conference call on “3 Keys to Energetically Solving your Problems and Attracting Your Goals”. There will be content and a preview to “Mastering the Law of Attraction”, CLICK HERE to register for this FREE call

– 30th September (Sun) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time- Kenneth Heiber of New York’s ONE VOICE RADIO presents Hemal Radia. Kenneth has had various celebrities on his show including Gloria Gaynor, The Village People and will be interviewing Hemal about his book and sharing insights for you to create magic in your life. Details of accessing this FREE online radio show will be available soon.

– 4th October (Thurs) – “Mastering the Law of Attraction” 4-week online course with audio downloads begins, CLICK HERE to register
As well as about the above, you will hear from me with articles and other resources that you may find valuable.  There is also of course the Manifesting Excellence calls where I will be sharing great content over the coming weeks and months and YOU can request whatever you like on there, whether it be questions you have or specific content you would like to know more about.

You will be hearing from me this week, including in reminding you about some of the above events this week.  I wish you a phenomenal start to your week!


Law of Attraction



Course: “Mastering the Law of Attraction”


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  If you remember, a few months ago I taught a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction“.

I’m writing to let you know that next month is “Mastering the Law of Attraction“!  It will be a live online class environment and also downloadable audios if you can’t make it live.

Click here to find out about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course

(If you are on Manifesting Excellence then will have courtesy access to this as a courtesy)

The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos


Mastering the Law of Attraction upright

“Bringing a BIG Goal Closer to Happening”

Just to let you know that the topic for this week's Manifesting Excellence call is about "Bringing a BIG Goal Closer to Happening".

It came about from a question that was submitted for the call:
"I want to attract $400,000 to buy and sell property and live off the rent, buy property in Kuala Lumpar, look after my three girls and much more.  What should I be focusing on?  The money?  The property or Kuala Lumpar?  How can I make this dream come true?"

We will be talking about the action steps, the energetic steps, the psychology of going for something "big", and much, much more!

Click here to Register for Manifesting Excellence