Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Want to hear an example of how someone used appreciation and gratitude in attracting money to the sum of $350 within a few days?

I was approached by someone wanting to be a new client a week ago, whom I have been working with since then.  She doesn’t speak English very well, and so she preferred our interactions to be via email and audio replies which I sometimes send out to clients.  She is also on Manifesting Excellence and has been listening to the audios there.

She is in a job where she is not happy, in a relationship and living at a place where she would like to be able to have some contemplation away from.

The financial means to do so would be very helpful to her.  Hence, when she got in touch she wanted to get into her flow and attract work opportunities, financial resources, and more.




Getting a Sense of What’s Valuable to Work on Now

When I start working with someone I get a sense right away on where they are energetically and the steps for them to take at that moment.  In her case, I got her to start making lists of what she appreciated in her life.  I felt at the time that this would be the most useful thing for her.

I get a sense of what is most valuable for the client at the time, and also what they would enjoy the most as I want people to enjoy themselves, have fun, and be in their flow.

She was feeling the benefits of my suggestions in how she felt about herself right away and would tell me so.

I amped it up further and suggested she did the appreciation more frequently in the day, such as every few hours when she could, or even more frequently than that.  I also shared this approach in more detail on the Manifesting Excellence private group.


Shift the Energy, and Things Around You Shift Too

Things started happening in her life.  She felt more energy, she felt more of a purpose in her life.  And no longer did she allow the work that she hadn’t been enjoying to get her down, because she had something much bigger and better to focus on.

Within days, at the start of this week, she attracted a situation where she won $350 as well as various other happenings.

I wanted to share this example in how making subtle shifts in your energy can change things around you, including in attracting money.

Noticing the things that you DO have in your life is a great place to start in focusing on what is PRESENT in your life.

One, it magnifies your attention to what you DO have, and secondly, if you are focusing on what is present, that is time and attention that you WON’T be spending on lack – a two-fold effect on the energy that you are putting out.


Click here if you’d like to Work One-to-One with Hemal:

There are now two-hour packages to interact with him over the month available as well as four-hour packages!

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You can try it out and ask your questions!


“Attracting Money, Jobs, and Material ‘Possessions'” On This Week’s Live Call

Just to let you know that the live call this coming Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence program is about "Attracting Money, Jobs, and Material 'Possessions'" or any questions related to it.

This has come about from various member questions about these subjects, so we thought we'd have a live call where you can submit questions for it.  It can be about a situation that you're in, a challenge, other aspects of 'attracting', or anything else related to this.

If you'd like to know more about the program and want to join, go to Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Coaching Program

Upon joining, you can interact with others on a private group on Facebook as well as submit any questions you have if you'd like to.

Want To Know How Quickly Things Can Happen In Your Life?

As you may know from my post last week, I was at the Professional Beauty Show in London yesterday (Sunday) where I was meeting many of you and signing copies of my book.

Below is a video of someone who didn’t know me a week ago, yet within 5 days of her coming across some material of mine, she is having all sorts of manifestations and synchronicities in her life, including in terms of attracting clients, sales and revenue.  I thought you would enjoy her inspiration, as well as what is possible for YOU.



(If you are reading this anywhere other than on the blog,

click here to go to the blog post with the video)

I have always said that things can happen very quickly in your life.  It is about changing the energy.  It takes a simple step, and then another and you build a momentum.  What happens for many people is they are not always aware of how to make those steps.

There is an infinite and abundant energetic momentum that is ready to be on your side in you lining up to it.  The Universe has already created your manifestations, it’s just waiting for you on a physical level to line up so you can experience them on a physical level.

Click here to to Download a Free Sample of “Find You, And You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction”

Law of Attraction book

Law of Attraction Technique to Work with Money (or Anything else)

Here is a technique, using Law of Attraction and vibration, which I started writing about on the Manifesting & Law of Attraction page on Facebook a few days ago.  Quite a few people commented and found it valuable.

Sometimes when in a situation of the absence of money (or anything), it can be not so easy to envision it in your life. If that isn’t easy, allow yourself to make a list of what is good about money itself (or anything else) and how it adds to life in general (regardless of it being in your life or not).

What this does is it allows you to get in touch with the positive aspects of something without having to deal with the resistance of it being or not being in your life. You are not making a list of money in your life (unless it feels comfortable to do so) but on what ways money in general is good – you are focusing on, and practicing, positive associations to it and about it.


What you attract is not based on what you ‘think’ but on what you ‘feel’ (vibrate) and ‘are’.  It’s not about logic, but about who you are – your ‘beingness’ – and what you are projecting from your place of power.


Once you practice your positive associations about something, you will be shifting your focus and attention in that context to things that feel better.  In doing this, you can then be in a better vibrational place to write/think about it being in your life and visualise/imagine it etc. 
You are in essence building a vibrational bridge from where you were starting to where you can feel better and think, feel and envision about what you want and it feeling good. 
Sometimes when we start off thinking about something, it doesn’t feel good.  The above process allows you to bridge that and think/feel from a better and more fun place.

The above can be applied to your relationship with anything; money, a person – any context, any-thing.

It’s about shifting your perspective and momentum of thought about a subject to a better place, where you can use other techniques to further build (and attract) it into your life.

Do feel free to share your comments and experiences below (If you are not on the blog, click “Law of Attraction Technique to Work with Money (or Anything Else)” to go to this post on the blog)

Making Money Doing What You Love, with Law of Attraction

> I am in a Law of Attraction Master Mind group and we are discussing the money aspect of our chosen path. We have been challenged to contact someone whom we admire that is doing what we wish to do and ask them a question. I have chosen you and the question is: What would you say about creating an income from someone's passion? If you feel that this something you can share with me I will be so grateful.
I thank you for your time and wish you bright blessings, Chessie, creator of "Evolution lf Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance"

If someone follows their true joy, that joy in itself has a very attractive vibration.  It will bring people to it that are a match to it.

What prevents many people from creating an income from what they love are their beliefs about it. 

Consider the following questions:

– Do I believe it is possible to make money from this?
– Do I believe that *I* can make money from this?

– As I think about doing this thing that I love, how do I feel?  Do I feel a conflict in relation to something else in my life, such as with creating money, or with something else?

– What other thoughts come up for me about this thing that I want to do?

It may not necessarily be that you always have to have positive answers to the above questions, it can even be that you just ALLOW the possibility of it (i.e. not block it).

If everything is energy in this Universe, then the possibility exists in everything.  The only thing that stops you is your vibration – which is composed of your beliefs about it.  Oftentimes, many of these beliefs are from past programming, maybe thoughts about 'traditional' ways of making an income etc. 

Regarding this last point about 'traditional' ways of making an income, some people, who are looking to start their own business, have been very used to making an income through a 'regular' job and when it comes to them starting their own business and following something they love, they may have beliefs about it not being right to do something that they love, that work and money are not meant to be enjoyable, etc.  These are all beliefs.  And beliefs can quickly be changed.

On the other hand, you can have beliefs that it is fun to make money, it is fun to do what you love – in fact that it's the best way.  That by you enjoying what you do, you are offering something so much more, and the money naturally comes from that also.  If you were giving someone so much joy and pleasure through the vibration of joy that you share, as you think about it, people would find it impossible not to give you money for it.

Some people believe they are not worthy to do what they love and make money from it.

In the joy of what you feel for what you are doing, the worthiness is inherent in that.  The value and the 'worthiness' is in the joy.  The vibration is the most important aspect that you can transfer on.  If you have that, then you are 'worthy'.  I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago about "It's not about the Actions but about the Energy behind those Actions."

In you questioning your worthiness, you are diluting the value that you offer.  Allow yourself to think of yourself in the grandest of ways and with the greatest contribution possible.  Activate the most powerful vibration within yourself.  Do it in the most loving of ways and in ways you resonate with, relative to your beliefs.  Allow your beliefs to expand and grow and for you to (vibrationally) 'grow' to this possibility for yourself.

In light of the above, as you think about it now, how unnatural would it be to NOT make money following your love… 😉


49 Thoughts on Law of Attraction and Money (and Anything else!)


From the following, take what you enjoy and what resonates for you at this moment.  At another time, something else may resonate more with you or make more sense to you at that moment ; )


1 – You thought this would be about money, didn’t you?  Well, it is, and a whole lot more.  You attracting money, or anything else, isn’t just about what you are intending to attract, but about you and your flow, which is much more than just that ‘thing’.  When you are in that place, you attract money, and all sorts of other things.

We are talking about money, but abundance and your flow are really what it is about.  Money is a part of that.

2 – Money is a by-product of your energy about the subject.  We can very easily focus on the financial condition and not realise the cause – that it is an energetic cause.

3 – There is no limit to what can flow into your life, other than your beliefs.

4 – You can focus on abundance or lack, the Universe will magnify either.

5 – Money (or anything else) is a manifestation of your consciousness.  It is a non-physical Universe, and it is also a physical world that you live in.  What is around you is an energetic match to your thoughts and emotions.

6 – One of the key reasons people do not attract the wealth they would like is their attention to lack or on what they do not have or on what will happen because they do not have enough.  Or they have associations to money which are negative and repell it.

7 – Take your attention away from the lack of it.  Make a list of the thoughts you have on a daily basis which focus on the lack of money and work on letting them go. (More tips on this below)

8 – You may say “Well, the reality is I DON’T have enough, what am I supposed to do?”

Focus on aspects of money that feel good (or better, or less worse – something which is an improvement). Turn your attention away from ‘reality’.  Deal with what you need to in the real and action world, but don’t dwell on the lack of it.  Turn your attention towards what feels good about it. Whether something in the present moment, something you can fantasise in the future, or even a past memory.  They key is the emotion you create in your now about it.  You are attracting more that is a match to it.

9 – It’s not just the thoughts about something, but the emotion/vibration behind it.  That’s KEY.

10 – The feelings you have about something are from the combination of your beliefs about that subject.

Notice how all these thoughts FEEL. Do they uplift you and flow your natural spirit through you?  Or are there implications around fear and lack?


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11- All it takes is to find a pure thought – a thought that is of what you want, and build on it.  This is what Law of Attraction is, on a very simple level.

Find a thought that feels good.  Do not doubt it or contradict it.  Focus on the enjoyment of it, and allow it to build and build.  Most people do not get through a sentence without saying why they can’t have it or contradicting what they want.  Keep your focus on positive statements and build those statements.  Add more and more.  Build the vibration of what you want.  The excitement will build and you will see manifestations.

12 – There is no conflict between money, or whatever else, and anything else in this Universe, other than your beliefs about it.

Just like anything and everything else in this Universe, money and abundance is as beautiful as you want to see it.  It’s to do with the eyes you see it from, not what it is.  Allow yourself to be fine about it.  You don’t have to share it with others, especially if they have different views, but allow yourself to be fine about it.

Conflicts are “I can EITHER have this OR that”.  Make it about “As I have this, I have that TOO”, or “In me having this, I get to have so much more of everything else too”.  Money, like anything else, is a tool to your expansion.  You can choose whichever tools you’d like in your life.

13 – Money, like anything else, does not make someone good or bad. It magnifies who they are. It is an enabler, a magnifier.

14 – You may feel that money is not consistent with service or spiritual development.  Remember, despite it being intelligence, the Universe is energy and offers no judgement – you do through your beliefs.  Money, literally, is as ‘spiritual’ as anything else is.  It is all the same.  You carve the Universe into distinctions through your beliefs.

If you believe that service or spiritual development and money are incompatible, then they will be for you.  If you believe that you can thrive with them and money, you will thrive.

15 – There is nothing wrong with money or anything else.  Your associations – your thoughts, especially your instinctive thoughts about it, are what influences how it is for you.

16 – You may be visualising or affirming more money, but how do you FEEL?  It’s not about the thoughts, but more so about the EMOTIONS you experience.

Notice the frequency/vibration you have about money by your emotions about it.  You attract things within that vicinity.  Whether things of a financial nature, or other things.

17 – When many others teach Law of Attraction, they may often hype it with promises of monetary gain and other material delights.  That’s absolutely fine.  I just want you to know it’s about that, and anything else you want it to be.

Law of Attraction is a universal law, it applies to EVERYTHING, and everywhere.  You can attract whatever you want. 

18 – It is not necessarily about believing you can attract money, it is about not resisting your flow of money.  Energy, like a stream of water, flows, other than when it is blocked or misdirected.

If you can enjoy money (thus offering the vibration of it), and not doubt or fear it or anything else, you are on your way.  Allow yourself to attract more thoughts that match that.

It is actually easier to focus on abundance because the Universe is pure positive energy, that is your natural birthright, and that is where your natural flow is.  It’s just that along the way you learned habits, behaviours and attitudes that prevented you from knowing who you are (the infinite vibrational pure positive being that you are that knows no limits, is connected to everything, and is full of and knows their possibilities).

19 – You have a relationship with everything in this Universe, that includes money, and everything else.

What happens in your relationship with that ‘thing’ is down to how YOU relate to it.  It is a process you are doing in every moment.

When you are out of your flow in a relationship with a lover, they will sense it and it will feel uncomfortable for them.  When you are not feeling very good, it will be picked up by your presence, not necessarily on a seen level, but an unseen level more-so.  When you are joyous and feeling good, this will be attractive and will be felt on an unseen level.  People and situations will be drawn to you.

Now, notice the relationship you have with money and how it feels.  If you were money, would you want to deepen the relationship with you?  Everything in the Universe is vibrating and has an intelligence.  Would money want to seek you?

20 – Play games and imagine having more and more.  You are an expansive, vibrational being.  Allow yourself to daydream, imagine, visualise, and whatever other ways you have of seeing yourself with more.  Pretend that you have greater and greater means if that enables you to imagine more.

Expand the vibrational range you allow yourself to experience.  If you are used to focusing on ‘paying your bills’ and ‘getting by’, allow yourself, if it feels fun, to imagine what it would be like with immeasurable wealth.  How would it be?  What would you do?  Where would you go?  What would you do for the ones you love?

Expand your consciousness around money.  Imagine more flowing in.  Where your attention and energy goes, the Universe goes.  Open up your ‘pores’ and allow it.




21-If time and money weren’t a factor, how would your life be?

Create the thought space for what is to come into your life.

22 – Consider the thoughts and emotions you have (such as about money, or anything else) in your day.

Many people visualise or do other processes but their money situation doesn’t change.  Oftentimes, they are building a vibration when they do their processes, but they then contradict it with worries and fears during the day with their daily observations.  Hence, not a lot changes.  And in some cases they then doubt that Law of Attraction works.  It’s not the Universe that’s at fault, it’s the signal you’re giving it : )

23 – How do you feel when you feel you do not have enough money?

– Lower self-esteem?
– Feeling down
– Feeling restricted?
– Disappointment?

Notice the emotional habits you are having on a daily basis, whether about money or anything else.  Work on raising your ‘set-point’, so to speak.  As you raise your vibration, what you experience in your life also changes.

24 – When you think about money, how does it feel?  Is there a natural upliftment?  or does it feel like something which is hard work or not possible?  Allow yourself to feel good about the subject of money.  Allow yourself to feel good in general.

If you can’t at the moment feel good about money, feel good about something else and don’t think about money, whilst it doesn’t feel good. In feeling good about something else, you are allowing yourself to build that vibration.  Money and abundance can come to you via another avenue, another path of least resistance, if money directly is something you are not lined up with.

(Focus on what feels good and find your flow.  That is better than working on something that is very difficult.)

25 – Initially, because of what they are going through, people may not find it easy to feel good about themselves and money.  So, find pictures in brochures, online etc,and feel good about money as a subject, period.  Then, once that feels good, you can start to imagine it and feel good about it in your life.

Let go of the ‘how’ and other details.  Focus on the enjoymentThe Universe hears your vibration, it doesn’t need to know from your tiny finite conscious mind how you think it should do, it has unlimited, infinite resources that create worlds, and that synchronise nature and planets.  It doesn’t need to know the ‘how’ from you.

26 – When you value yourself enough to be in your flow, allow the Universe to value you and do the same…

27 – The Universe is totally abundant.  It is pure potential waiting for you to impress upon it with your intention and alignment.  It WANTS you to do that, for in the process, it, and you, both expand and grow…

If there ever was a case there wasn’t ‘enough’ (which would never be the case, there is always more than enough), the Universe would expand and create more.  You have no worry of any shortage.  The Universe is an infinite, abundant, unlimited intelligent being.

28 – Usually, people focus on money because they do not have enough of it – the lack of it, usually, but not always.  The ones who have it, will tend to focus on other things such as their joy, passion, love, and money comes as a natural consequence.  The ones who do not have it feel often feel they cannot afford to do that.

29 – How to identify the beliefs you have around money?  I will cover other techniques at the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event, but one way is take a page and write “Money is…”  and write and write.  Don’t think, just write.

See what you have written on the page.  Notice how it feels.  Now, if you were money, would you be attracted to you?

30 – No matter how bad things are (if they are), they can turn around. All the possibilities available to you aren’t visible.  They become visible by your attention to them.  You have to see them as possible before they appear.


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31 – It’s actually not just about money, it’s about you being in your flow.  Money is just a consequence or symptom of you being in tune with your flowThe quickest, easiest way to your flow is finding things that you enjoy.  As you focus on those, and you feel better and better, you are more in harmony with the Universe and what you want.

32 – To be abundant, offer an abundant vibration.

There are various differences and consequences of you living from an abundant vibration versus a scarcity vibration.  This will be covered in detail at the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event, but they affect the way you look at your world, the choices you make, how they affect you when they make decisions, and so on.

At the Vegas event I will cover these differences, how to be aware of them within yourself, and how to soften things so you live from a place of choice, than ‘need’ or ‘necessity’.  You will also be aware of the linguistic ‘markers’ – in the words or phrases – that you or others use to notice them.

33 – Abundance and scarcity are frequencies.  It is your choice which you want to tune into.  You can focus on shortage and on what there isn’t and on what is so terrible in the world, or you can focus on possibilities, use your imagination, and what is plentiful. Neither is right or wrong, they are both choices.  You have total freewill what you focus upon.  The Universe will deliver to you more of what you are vibrating.

34 – It doesn’t matter what background, education or qualifications or geographically where you are.  This whole Universe is a vibrational Universe.  You change your vibration and either your environment changes to reflect that, or you are naturally drawn to an environment that resonates with you, depending on your path of least resistance.

35 – You may feel that there are situations and conditions in your life that prevent you from having money.  Let go of your beliefs about how money can come to you.

The Universe can only bring you money based on how you believe it can come to you.  Put your vibration on you having the money and let the Universe figure out the ‘how’.  Let go of your beliefs about it.

Money can come to you in as many ways as you allow it to come to you.  If you believe it must be a certain way, it can then only come to you that certain way.

36 – Remember, the Universe is energy and everything is vibration.  The form is malleable based on your thoughts and beliefs.  You are moulding and shaping the Universe, and your experiences within it, by your thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

37 – If you believe you have a genetic disease called ‘poverty’, it is time to get that belief out of your system.  It is time to inject prosperity into your system by your attention to it.
It is not a genetic disease, it is an attention disease.

38 – You may be born in a certain place, amongst certain people, be living amongst certain people or have certain conditions that you believe are not conducive to you having abundance.  Realise your story has a happy ending, and that was all part of the journey. 

It’s not the conditions or the environment that will determine what happens, it’s what you focus upon.  Start to play the story in your mind of the happy ending, despite the conditions you came from. 

Withdraw your focus, internally, than to the conditions and environment on the external.  Soon enough, you will get confirmation from your environment and the manifestations will start.  First as a trickle, but as you allow, they will get quicker and bigger.  They will then tell the story about you and how you ‘made it’, DESPITE the conditions.

39 – It doesn’t matter what anyone says about you and money,  you have your own connection to everything in the Universe.  You can allow yourself to be influenced and affected by others, but no one controls your flow other than you.

40 – When you assume that something outside of you needs to change for you to attract what you want, you tend not to look within as much and to your own powers of divinity.




41- When you feel scared and out of your flow, realise the signals are strongest and ‘loudest’ as to what to do. If everything is darkness, the light is even easier to see.

42 – When you have the abundance and money that you would like, what would it be like?  Are you practising this more than your fears and attention on what you do not have?

How do you see yourself in your mind’s eye?

43 – When you think of you and prosperity, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind?  That can be a clue as to how you see yourself (in relation to prosperity), too.

44 – You will attract whatever your dominant attention is on something. If it on the side of prosperity and abundance, that will build and grow.  If it’s on the side of lack, that’s what you will experience.  The way you know is how you feel.  Is it feeling worse?  Or better?

45 – What is the worst that can happen?  What are your greatest fears?  Make peace with this.

By pushing against it and fearing/not wanting it, it has a ‘charge’.  Make peace with it, whether in terms of things you can do, or how you feel about it, so you let go of the emotions and the ‘charge’ around it.

If you are bullet proof emotionally, if you do not fear (And that is down to your perspective.  We will be going into it in detail at the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event) something, or have let go of the negative emotions around it, you are creating space around you, vibrationally and physically, for it to come into your life.  At the least you are not keeping your attention on what you don’t want.  That energy you release, creates space for new things.  It also feels better and is kinder on you and your body.

46 – Don’t worry about the past or look back with regret.  Remember you have a fresh platform in your now and the Universe is listening to your vibration right now.

47 – Did we say it’s not just about the money.  In fact, these thoughts apply anywhere and everywhere in your life : )

48 – Allow time and space for you and move towards enjoying your life.  As you raise your vibration, all areas of your life can prosper.

49 – Join Manifesting Excellence!


Law of Attraction



FREE Inspiring “Abundance” Wallpaper for October 2009 Downloadable Now

Click here to enlarge

Following on from the September calendar wallpaper we have an "Abundance" inspirational wallpaper calendar for you for October 2009.

Can you spot the "ABUNDANCE" in this image?  It's there. Look closely.  Much like the abudance around you, it's there, you just need to look for it

(We have tried to make it a bit visible in the image as we realise that with varying monitors it may not always be easy.  So if for you it is very obvious, then you know why.  But realise also that the abundance around you is that obvious too, you just need to see it.)

Autumn, or "fall", can have varying meanings for different people.  We wanted this image to be vibrant and colourful; inherent and in accordance with the natural wellbeing that is always within you regardless of changing seasons.

This concept was created in collaboration with my good friend Jessie Smith at StoryKraft Kreative.

To download it, right click on the appropriate link below and "Save Target/Link As" and save it to your computer.

You can download this image in various sizes depending on the resolution of your computer:

 800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
 1280 x 1024
  1600 x 1200

   960 x 600
 1280 x 768
   1600 x 1024
   1920 x 1200

You are very welcome to share this post with your friends.

And do feel free to leave us a comment below and let us know what you think 🙂

The Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine…

The Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine,
you are a part of this ocean and never separate from it

‘Allowing’, is about relaxing and releasing the resistance. It is actually about letting in the natural wellness than ‘trying’

The trying will come naturally, when you release the resistance you will be naturally uplifted anyway, your natural inspiration will flow through and you will be INSPIRED to take the right actions and be at the right place at the right time

You know how sometimes when you forget a problem it solves itself? That type of thing. Or when someone has had an argument with someone but they get distracted by something else and the argument resolves itself?

The Universe is all around you and within you and WANTS to bring the wellness to you, it’s about letting go of the thoughts that don’t let it in. Sometimes that can be by thinking good thoughts or relaxing, but certainly taking attention off that which is not letting it in, eg worry, fear, whatever it may be. That’s why good thoughts actually serve as a distraction away from that, regardless of them being good in and of themselves also

Everything you want is actually ready to come into your life, it’s a process of letting it come in. We do not actually have to ‘chase’ it, the Universe knows what you want because you have asked for it in your vibration, you just have to align to it with your thoughts and match it vibrationally and the Universe will orchestrate the rendezvous

You are Perfect Being You

There is never within any of us such a thing as flaws or distortions other than the masks we have given ourselves.  Deep down from an energetic perspective you are actually ‘perfect’ other than the patterns you have practiced to see yourself with over the years.  You are essentially pure positive energy in a physical form, you are the manifestation of that energy, and moment by moment you are deciding (whether consciously or unconsciously) what the manifestation of that energy is in you being who you are

Your attention can be on the present, the past, the future, or wherever else.  Regardless of where your attention is your point of attraction is in your now moment.  That is what you are attracting more of, whatever your vibration – via your thoughts and emotions – is in your now moment

If your attention is on the lover that scorned you or if it is on the business partner that wasn’t so wonderful, what are you attracting more of?  Or if you haven’t experienced a ‘perfect lover’ but you are envisioning how it might feel, and how it might feel to have your millions and what you will do with them and how your body will feel being how you want it to be – although you may not have yet experienced these but in your now moment you are envisioning them very clearly and deeply and feeling from them, what is your vibration and what are you attracting more of?

What matters most

Don’t spend time justifying why you are where you are at now, don’t blame the lover or the (ex) husband or the (ex) wife or parent or the business partner or friend or whomever.  Take your attention away from that, sooth any hurt around that, and put it towards WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

When your attention (and hence vibration and intention) is on where you want to be you are attracting experiences that match that.  Initially it might be something small that manifests that catches your attention and that makes you think, and then something else happens, and something else.  Your attention – your conscious attention – starts shifting towards it more and more, and your expectation builds; you expect it more and ‘allow’ it into your life by being more and more from that place

And of course, if your attention is on those good things that are trickling in, what is your attention NOT on?  Where you came from!  ‘The past’!  You wouldn’t have time to think of where you came from because you’d be TOO BUSY ENJOYING THE NOW!!!!  Love and enjoy your NOW so much that you don’t think about anywhere else and don’t care about anywhere else, and everything will take care of itself.  Create and mould and shape your now.  Take your attention away from what you are coming from and what you don’t want (that in itself will create a huge shift) and naturally your attention will be drawn to those things in your now moment that you can love and appreciate and enjoy


In doing this you will be adopting all those spiritual principles that you’d been reading about for all that time and were figuring out how to implement: detaching, letting go, allowing, creating, attracting and everything else.  You will be applying ALL OF THOSE just by making the most of your now moments.  In you enJOYing each moment you are not being attached to what you want because your attention is on the now (detachment, letting go), and because you are feeling good you are allowing, creating and attracting

Remember not to beat yourself up.  It is ok if things happen (or happened) that aren’t how you like them or want them to be.  Sooth yourself around that, sooth your vibration around that.  If you give yourself a hard time for too long you are building THAT vibration (and then don’t be surprised if you attract matches to that via recrimination!)

So make peace with the way things are, that will soften your perspective to what you don’t enjoy, it will create the space for what you DO enjoy and your attention will naturally go there.  As it goes there that will build – Law of Attraction – it will attract more thoughts that match that and it will grow and grow and grow and you will see physical manifestations.  If you do not contradict or doubt yourself along this process you will see more physical manifestations and it will grow and build and build and build.  It is loving your now moment but wanting to expand and grow more and have more. 

Your now moment is as rich and abundant as you see it to be, and seeing that will show you more abundance.  There is no corner or spot in the Universe that is not abundant – the Universe is abundant EVERYWHERE – period!  The Universe is not playing a game and has said that just for you – just for you – it will withhold some of its abundance!  It has not decided that just for kicks it will withhold it from you!  The Universe adores you as you are a part of it and it expands THROUGH you – if you win, it wins!

So be kind to yourself, know that there is abundance around you, today, and every day, where you are, and everywhere

In your kindness to yourself the Universe will match that, and you will see things around you, and it will get easier, you will see reflections of your love for yourself and it will expand and grow

Remember to appreciate who you are, there is no coincidence you are here, you came here to do things and experience things.  Appreciate you are here to be you, and you are perfect the way you are

Rainbow flower

Miracles in Your Life from your Present Reality

The only reason your reality isn’t the way you want it to be is because on some level you are keeping a vibration of that which you don’t want

When you think of what you want, it is on its way.  At that moment you are emanating the vibration that is a match to it.  When you then doubt and question it or look at what is around you and how separate or different or far away you are from what you want, you are mixing up your vibration, and thus the ‘pull’ on what you want isn’t the same

Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to fantasise about what you want.  Don’t put pressure on yourself, allow yourself to gently build the vibration of what you want.

If it is a car, a lover, a house, money in your account or whatever else, go to it from a place of inspiration and how good it will feel to have it in your life, rather than a place of ‘needing’ it and how it will fix things in your life and how you believe you will as a result be able to do things you believe you cannot do right now.

When you are wanting to attract something to ‘fix’ something you are in likelihood starting from a place (and vibration) that is not a match to what you want.  Want what you want because it inspires you, because you love it and are in love with it


But how can you get there when you need to pay the bills?  Or that your lover has just walked out on you?  And that you feel terrible as a result of something like this.  Gently take your attention away from what has just happened Sooth your vibration around that.  Make peace within yourself with what has happened.  It is not the end of the world, even though it may seem like it at the time.  It is one of life’s contrasts, although knowing that may not make you feel better at the time.  But thinking of it as the worst thing in the world is not going to solve it or make it better either.

Make peace with what happened (or is happening).  Realise there is far far far far more for you in life, it’s not over, there is far more ahead for you.  As you gently do this your feelings and attention will shift towards what you want.  Towards the future and what you want and where you want to be

Allow yourself to daydream.  Allow yourself to think about what you want.  Allow yourself to imagine it in your life, just for the fun of it.  You are doing this for the fun of it, not because ‘you want it’.  Sometimes ‘wanting it’ can have a need.  But have you noticed that when you enjoy something the results take care of themselves?  The reason is that when you are having fun, when you are appreciating, when you are loving (including yourself), your vibration is very pure.  What does this mean?  It means it is very much on what you want and feels good, it is very much in tune with the divinity within you, the God within you.  It is from this place that miracles happen for you.  And miracles DO happen for you

Miracles often happen when we are doing something and we suspend our judgement on what is possible and stay in the moment and create.  For when we suspend our judgement on what we can do and what is possible we are in the moment and creating without ‘thinking’ and ‘judging’, we are purely moulding the clay so to speak.  When we are doing what we are doing for the love of doing it, very present moment oriented, we are creating magic 

You will know this experience from when you have been in love with someone (or something, such as a pet), been involved in an activity (such as painting, playing music etc), or something else where you were totally in the moment, captured by the moment, intoxicated by the moment for the sake of the moment and that’s all.  With no care or attention on anything else but the moment. 

This is where you create your miracles and magic from

When you get to this place, you won’t even be thinking about your reality because you’ll be too busy creating miracles in your life
