It’s not about the Actions but about the Energy behind those Actions

It’s not about the actions that you take but the energy (vibration) behind those actions. It’s not about what you do, but your thoughts and congruency and alignment about what you do. You can take less actions and get great results, or you can take all the actions in the world and it not quite be how you want it. The factor is the thoughts about (and behind) your actions.

This is why some people can eat what they like, exercise very little and still have wonderful bodies, whereas others will “toil” and “strain” and have to “work hard” for it.  It is also the same when it comes to money or business, where some people will take certain actions – or even none – and it will work out for them whereas others will do everything they can and do not get there in the same way or the journey is a bit more “difficult”.

So whilst actions are to be commended, there is also another component as well as the actions which is an energetic component or a vibrational component.

It is about the energetic or vibrational component

That is down to your thoughts about what you are wanting.  It is about your alignment.  How do you feel about what you want?  The better you feel about what you want, the more in alignment you are with it.

In the example above about having a wonderful body, some would say it is about the beliefs a person has and that causes chemical reactions within the body, whether when they eat or when they exercise.  The answer is it is all the same thing.  Beliefs are clusters of thought – and thought is vibration.  Beliefs can be thought of as collective clusters of vibration so to speak and we can answer this with physiological terms or metaphysical terms, it is all the same and fits together.  You change your thoughts and practice beliefs by practicing the thoughts you want to have. 

Your beliefs – which can be seen as “practiced thought”, and nothing more mystical and magical and “unchangeable” than that – only came into existence by practice (whether deliberately or accidentally) and in fusing with emotion, which can add a bit of “glue” to it so to speak in adding importance to them, e.g. you tend to pay attention to things with love, joy or fear rather than something that has no emotion to it – and because of the emotion they tend to be given a bit more emphasis than that which doesn’t.  Which is why when you want to create positive experiences, the more natural positive emotion the better, it adds intensity, permeability and “emphasis” to it.  Your beliefs are very changeable and it is about practicing thinking things that feel good, and this is also how you create constructive and EMPOWERING beliefs that support you in what you do and ADD emphasis and energy to what you do.

Your beliefs are very changeable and it is about practicing things that feel good

But it shouldn’t be hard work, think about the things that naturally feel good to you, allow yourself to do that.  Oftentimes we don’t allow ourselves to think of what we want or like because we are scared we cannot have it or it is not ok.  Let me tell you, in the domain of your own head you can think what you like!  And soon enough your reality will change and YOU can tell others how it is, you will shape your reality by your practiced thoughts (and you don’t have to tell anyone how you did it if you don’t want to, just our secret 😉 )

This also applies to interpersonal communications.  It isn’t really about the “words” you use, but again about the vibrational or energetic component BEHIND those words.  Sometimes you may not necessarily say the “right” things but because of your vibrational alignment you will get results.  And at other times you may be “trying” to say things a certain way and in your trying too hard there is an element of lack and that is being picked up in your vibration.

So to put it very simply, how do you feel about what you want?  The better you feel, the more in alignment you are with it.  And then it may not even be about the actions that you take, it may be that the actions are inspired or it may be that as a result of synchronicities that what you want lands right in your lap – and either way it is ok, the Universe is doing what it does in bringing vibrational matches together. 


Your Every Now is a Canvas with Fresh Possibilities


Every now moment is a fresh moment for you to create in.  It is independent of the previous moment – there is no connection other than any “vibrational carry-over” that you bring over in your thoughts and feelings, i.e. each moment has the potential to be unique and independent and be “separate”; you only create similar experiences by you thinking the same things, not as a result of anything external to you.

It is the same with lifetimes as it is from each successive moment – what is carried over is by your vibration.  And your vibration is as a result of your thoughts and emotions.  So yes, there IS a predestination as there is a vibration, but you also have freewill and choice in what you mould and create and attract with your thoughts.

So when you practice thoughts that feel nice, you will be taking thoughts into your next moment which feel good, and your manifestations in your next moment will be equally as exhilarating.  Essentially, you are “investing in your future” through what you are focusing on right NOW.



You were born to create in your life and follow your love and joy.

Everything else along the way has been for you to get clarity for what you DO want.  All the other experiences you been having have been fine tuning your “guidance system” (your emotions!) so you can lock on to your love and joy.  You have been learning what you don’t like, and hopefully using that to put more of your attention on what you DO want!

There is no coincidence for the emotions you feel, on a deeper level they are telling you the way to WHAT YOU WANTThey know the path of least resistance – the shortest path from where you are to where you want to be.  Use them as guidance.

If you are feeling frustrated or disappointed – look elsewhere.  Or find something in that situation that feels better, a perspective that is different.  Does that feel better?  Keep looking, until SOMETHING feels a bit better.  And then look for something that feels a bit better than that, and so on.  This way you are raising yourself vibrationally and looking on more and more to the things you are wanting to come into your life.

When you follow your love and joy you are in tune with who you really are on a deeper spiritual level, you are in tune with your ‘purpose’.  And as that happens more and more, what else happens is the physical manifestations match that.  They are more and more in the region of the vibration and frequency you are emitting – you attract based on the vibration that you give off.  If you are giving off better and better feelings, what are you likely to be attracting more and more of?




So ask yourself – what is the best thing I can think and feel right now?  It NEVER matters whether it is realistic, the key thing is HOW GOOD IT FEELS.  The reason for that is the better it feels the more harmony there is in that thought with the path to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

You can have the most well thought out plan and list of actions, but when you focus on a better feeling thought and another and another and another and so on, you are lining up with the resources of the Universe in the manifestation of what you want.  And the Universe has far more ways of getting you what you want.

And what will happen is in the raising of your vibration, in the raising of your “frequency” as I often describe it, you will be in alignment with the thoughts and ideas and inspiration and “how to” to have what you want.  It may even be that the manifestation takes place without you having to “do” anything other than the vibrational work.  But what will happen is when you are in that place it will flow seamlessly.  You won’t be thinking about “how to make it happen” because you will be too busy being in your flow. 

Your job is for you to feel so good that you’re not looking to your external reality and thinking “it’s not there”.  The irony of it is as you stop caring about it not being there, you are in alignment to it (especially as you are not focusing on the absence or lack of it) and it will enter your reality.


So, every moment is a fresh canvas.  How creative and colourful and joyful and loving and appreciative will you be in your now moment?  How much enjoyment are you going to milk out of your moments?  It is never about what is happening.  You can find one iota of a thing to appreciate, and by you focusing on it and NOT contradicting or doubting it (that’s key), it will attract more thoughts of the same (Law of Attraction).  The key is not to doubt or contradict, and then you are in your stream attracting more and more good things and the stream will take you to where you want to go if you do not resist it.




The stream is already here, there is an energetic stream from where you are to where you want to be.  By you not having resistant thoughts (anger, doubt, fear, guilt, questioning yourself etc) you are actually IN THE FLOW.  And as you have better and better feeling thoughts you are more and more in alignment.  THE STREAM WILL TAKE YOU WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.  It will take care of everything for you.  The right people, the right resources, the right synchronicities, they will all be organised in perfect harmony by the Universe in accordance with your vibration – THAT is your job.


What is the best feeling thought you can offer in this moment?  It doesn’t have to be the best feeling thought ever, just the best one you can have right now.  And that will create a platform for you to have another better one and another and another and so on. And then you’re on your way along the stream. 

And then you will see physical manifestations which will give you confirmation YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THINGS.  Just have faith in you, don’t doubt yourself, know that you will be taken care of.  Know that it is ok and it will be taken care of and there are powers there beyond what you can fathom orchestrating the solutions to all the problems you could ever imagine.  And it will be taken care for you, by you going with your stream and your alignment.

Remember, each moment is a fresh moment, and you have total choice what you want to put your attention to in it.  All possibilities exist.

What possibilities will you allow for yourself?  What will you let yourself deserve and have?

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“To folks considering attending this teleseminar (audio download), I highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to get to know Hemal and hear what he has to share with all of us.
You can really get to know him through these teleseminars .. he is down-to-earth, authentic, and really has something of value to offer.”

 – Dora Crow, California, USA

“Hello!  A very big ‘Thank You’ for the teleseminar today,a great introduction for me. 
Down to earth and very understandable!
well as reinforcing general principles,I hope to be able to approach
relationship issues from a fresh perspective.I look forward to the
second event on Thursday. Tina : ) “

– Tina Sledger, Epsom, UK

“Your answer is exactly what I wanted to hear and I immediately feel more aligned with my goal and I’m certain I am going to receive it within the next few weeks.
Thank you so much!  In all honesty this download is fantastic!
The depth of information you and Kim gave in it is very good.  
I would even pay for it, I think its that good!
 Thanks very much Hemal”

– Sanjay Patel, UK

“Hi Hemal, A huge thank you for the invitation to attend todays seminar.
I followed what I could, which was most of it and have to agree with other people who’ve left comments on your blog, you have an exceptional way of communicating your message.
You put things across in a simple fashion. I found myself nodding in agreement throughout the seminar.
I was able to have many of my own answers questioned just from following the seminar and listening to your replies to the various questions.
We sometimes get sidetracked in life with the various incidents that happen. It helps when you have like-minded people around you to keep you in check! Staying focused is the key.
I will be keeping in touch with you through your various sites in order to stay focused. There are few people in my life at the moment who think the same way as me and it’s important to stay in touch with those that are.
Thank you again and also good luck with all that you are doing with your cause. You deserve success.
Maybe in time I can organise for you to present a live seminar here in Cyprus, I’m sure that it will be greatly received and appreciated.”

– Vela Stainton, Cyprus

Manifesting & Law of Attraction Teleseminars coming soon – What do *YOU* want?

Coming in the next few weeks will be some teleseminars and I’d like to get your input on what YOU are wanting

you can take a look at this survey and give an opinion, it is an opportunity for you to have a voice on what you
want. Doing this does not oblige you to anything, the purpose of it is
for information gathering

The Universe is a willing and responsive friend…

The Universe is a willing and responsive friend who will listen to you based on your vibrational asking and alignment

The Universe does not ‘tell’ you anything, it matches your vibration. The way you know something is right or wrong is with your feelings, not what happens on the outside

The Universe acts as a confirmer to what you are emitting vibrationally. It’s a magnifier. It does not decide for you. What you see happening on the outside has been in place vibrationally before it happened.  What are you putting in place vibrationally now through your thoughts and feelings?

The answer ALWAYS is to put your attention on what you want.  Even if there has been a momentum to what you don’t want, you change it by putting your attention on what you WANT and what FEELS GOOD – the feeling that it feels good is your indicator you are heading toward what you want

Things can only happen in your physical experience that are in vibrational vicinity of where you are at.  Don’t be disheartened or disappointed if they are not pleasing, use them as an indication to direct your course to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Envision how you want things to be, daydream, play with those thoughts and fantasies, build them up.  Are those ‘realities’ more dominant in your mind than your fears and doubts?  Are the things that INSPIRE and EXCITE you dominant in your consciousness?