“How can you be a Vibrational Match?”

Jay Lakhani:  There is an Abraham quote: If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.”  So how can you easily achieve a vibrational match?

The easiest way is by thinking of it and from it. What happens for most people is they let other thoughts get in the way. It’s about thinking about something and by the attention to it (without resistance), letting it build; and it attracts more thoughts, and more thoughts, and then physical manifestation.

Playing with thoughts is one way, eg “Wouldn’t it be lovely for me to be with the love of my life?  How would it feel to drive the car I’d love to have?  How would it be to live in the house I want?  How will I decorate it?”  And so on.  It’s just many people get stuck on the “how to” and their beliefs about it being/not being possible, rather than being open to the possibilities and focusing on the envisioning and letting the Universe find the answers, commensurate with your vibration.

Every thought has a vibration. To be a vibrational match to something, have thoughts about it.

Hi Hemal > Many thanks for the kind contribution, really appreciate your effort! Very nicely explained. Thanks again.

Download the FREE “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” audio

You are very, very good at what you do. Great insight, great wisdom & delivery that creates ah-ha moments. I really appreciate the gift of it Hemal. So much appreciation coming to you right now from me.

— Lena Mitchell Jasiak

For those of you who haven’t downloaded the audio of the recent “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” teleseminar, you can do so here!  This event was very popular and HUGELY appreciated, as you will see.  There is content at the start about making this a great year for you, followed by insights to questions submitted.

It was scheduled for an hour and ended up being two hours because there were so many questions and interactions on it!  There is a lot of information here and great answers to some great questions.  And it’s a FREE audio to download. 

To download it:


I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible … You are doing much good Hemal! … and I feel really blessed to have connected with you here.  The content, which I always find really valuable because even though it is stuff that I mostly know (on a deeper level) … again, you simplify it and make it so easy to apply.

— Georgina Laros, South Africa

This is fabulous… so much good
information and you’re hitting on so many areas that resonate here.
Your presentation was great last time and it’s even better this time.
Thank you!

— Krystal, Southern California

Thank you so much, Hemal! You answered all of my
questions, and in doing so gave me guidance to move ahead. As a side
benefit I found peace within myself for the ways you have offered
guidance to deal with my quandries! I look forward to your continuing

— Judy Green, USA



There were countless questions answered, some included:

– How do I manifest loads of money when I have never experienced it before?  How do I stop feeling discouraged when I compare myself to others successes in manifesting?

– What do I do when I feel my soulmate and twin flame is with another?

– I have used goal setting in the past and at times it has worked and at other times not.  Can you please guide me on this and on staying positive?

– I know it’s best to think only of the present moment -“the Now” – but how do I focus and be positive as I continue to endure several simultaneous and overwhelming life-changing situations this year?

– What if we attract something which is contrary to the lessons we may have chosen to learn. eg, what if our path is to learn to be poor to serve the poor, but we want to be comfortable financially?

– What do you do about negative people bombarding your life?  They seem to be all around and pulling you down.

– What if what you would like to manifest is possible but it seems “mountains will have to move out of the way” or a miracle occur for it to happen?  Still keep believing?

– I am looking to meet a partner that I can share my world with as well as start a family. I have been dating and continue to meet men that show interest and similar goals but when I express my interest in a relationship things take a different direction.  What can I do?

– As a result of some things that have happened, I doubt I will ever be as successful and get as much money now.  I fear I will become lonely, lose my friends, and that they are judging me. That they have views about me that I won’t like.  Is there something that can be done?

Thank you Hemal for valuable conversation!
You are extraordinary person! Please, keep walking your special way!
Have fantastic 2010 year! !

— Olga, Lugansk, Ukraine

It was very insightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom to the world 🙂

— Karla M. Nashar, Indonesia

Going Into 2010 With Momentum

I had a very pleasant surprise yesterday.  Lisa Ellwood (she will tell you below how she came across me) tagged me on a note on Facebook that she had written.

A year ago I wrote a post on “Going into the New Year with Momentum” where I mentioned about how, through your perspective, you can have a great momentum in going into the New Year.  I didn’t know until I saw Lisa’s note yesterday, that she had applied what was in that note and (in her words) EVERYTHING she had written had come to fruition even down to the time periods specified.  As she will tell you, she is someone who has had some challenges, including “clinical depression”.

I will paste Lisa’s note and do feel free to share your thoughts and write YOUR answers to my exercise in the comments below.

By the way, on Saturday 9th January there will be a free teleseminar about making the most of 2010 for YOU, keep an eye out for more details soon.


Lisa’s note:

My latest New Years Tradition: Going Into the New Year With Momentum

This is a great addition to my New Year’s Traditions.

My dear friend Michelle H. turned me onto The Manifesting & Law of Attraction Page founded and run by Hemal Radia here on Facebook last year (http://www.facebook.com/ManifestingLOA). The timing was quite fortuitous as it was nearing Christmas.

Hemal did a post where he talked about *Going into the New Year with momentum*. In essence, you are compelled to do a lot of self-reflection – never a bad thing at all and especially if you are in denial about taking control of your life and your ability to create the future that you want for yourself. I can honestly say that just about everything I wrote for 2009 came to fruition even down to the time periods specified. Quite profound for one who struggles with positive thinking (being clinically depressed doesn’t help), meditation and visualisation.

Below is the exercise Hemal had us follow. I’ve made a couple of slight tweaks but this is the general format.



1 – Write at least 3 to 5 things that you have Appreciated about this year

2 – Write at least 3 to 5 things (or more) that you are Anticipating/Excited about next year

3 – This time next year, what will you be delighted and proud with? What will have happened? (You can do this for the end of Jan too, what will you be proud of by then?)


(Solaris image by Lisa Ellwood)

Want to Meet in Las Vegas?

Welcome to Las Vegas Las Vegas - night time

Henri Coleman, who lives in Las Vegas, asked me a few months ago if I would be interested in having a live event in Las Vegas.  We interacted and are intending on having an event next Spring.  I will let Henri explain….


Henri: In preparation for a Hemal Radia Law of Attraction Seminar/Workshop in Las Vegas, we are targeting a weekend in May 2010 (PS – Since this post was written, the Vegas seminar has been arranged for the last weekend of September 2010, the 25th & 26th.  See Law of Attraction in Las Vegas for more information, HR – 5th April '10).  This will give everyone who would like to attend a chance to come to Las Vegas and participate in this exciting event.  

What you can expect from this event:

  • You'll learn Law of Attraction and about YOU and YOUR Life like you've
    not known it before!  Those who are familiar with Hemal's work will
    know that no one covers it like he does!
  • You will get a chance to see Hemal in person; and, we will
    get a chance to personally interact with one another also!  How exciting to
    meet, manifest, and share!
  • You will not only be able to interact with Hemal but also meet others
    who have very similar interests to you! 
    One thing I have noticed with
    the people around Hemal is there is a WONDERFUL spirit!
  • Ask questions!  This is a live event and Hemal enjoys the interaction and stimulus!  And we get ANSWERS!
  • In meeting Hemal we have an opportunity to interact with a true Expert in his field.  As well as the seminar time we are also intending to have some lighter interaction time.

A provisional format for the event would look something like this:
Friday evening:  Cocktail Party to meet and greet. 
Morning session, Lunch with group or separately, Afternoon session with
Questions and Answers, Dinner with group or separately. 
Sunday:  Coffee, Pastries, 2-3 hour Workshop, and depart by 1pm.

If you would like to be kept up to date about this event then please enter your details below.  This does not commit you to attend the event, but will enable you to receive updates about it.  (If you are reading this via email notification then click here to go to the blog post and the form)


Also, we have created a short survey in order to know YOUR preferences.  We would appreciate it if you could have a look at this and let us know your thoughts:

Click here to have a look at the survey

Please fill in the form above with your details and we will keep you updated! 

And do feel free to let us know what YOU would like!


“What if Others Cannot Keep up with my Growth?”

This was a request from a good friend to a quote I put up about Growth:

“That is comforting for the assurance Hemal…however, as we expand and grow…those around us will sometimes feel discomfort, which then transfers to us…maybe you could expand on how to handle this aspect of growth” – Henri Coleman


There are a few things about it. Firstly we cannot hold our own growth back because on a deeper level we are all expanding, and we do not have to. When we hold our own growth back we are against our own flow and it gets uncomfortable and eventually the discomfort can increase. It’s like pressing the accelerator and the brakes at the same time.

There are no coincidences in the relationships that we have, whether it be family, friends, pets etc. We, and they, came into this life to experience the contrast and the dynamics that we experience. However, we are always at vibrational choice of what we keep and allow in our experience.

Some might say, “Oh move on, you are no longer a match” and that can feel quite cold and hurtful. I don’t agree with that and I believe that if we would like to and choose to (and it IS a choice), we can be with anything or anyone if we choose solely to focus on the factors that we love and keep our attention off the things we do not like (that is what creates the resistance and discomfort and pushing away). Many though are habitually good at looking at the things that are wrong and that creates discord in the relationships.

Look to appreciate the gift that is your growth. See it also as an opportunity to share it with others. Now if others do not see it that way, do not hold it against them, and allow them to be themselves. Give them space to have their opinions as you allow yourself to do the same.

Their discomfort, with all due respect, is their stuff. You can support them and give them love, but it is for them to deal with. It’s like an analogy a good friend of mine uses, “You can’t lose weight for someone else”.


But through YOUR flow and inspiration you can inspire anothers to theirs. Oftentimes people have lost hope or they do not believe things can be a certain way. BE the inspiration and the light for the sake of being it – i.e. for YOU and because it is your flow. Let them choose to resonate with it. At first it may be scary for them. Again, their stuff. But that is part of their evolution and development, and that is also their choice.

Take your attention away from their challenges, put it on what IS good, whether within yourself, them, or anything else. If it feels good, it is getting you to your alignment. If you are in your alignment, you are in your flow and attracting all sorts of wonderful things. Make your focus your own flow, and choose to include or exclude things to pay attention to based on that, make that your criteria.

Heart and colours