Law of Attraction: Oprah interviews Esther Hicks/Abraham

Oprah interviews Esther of Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction

If you’d like to download the interviews of Oprah interviewing Esther (of Abraham Hicks) about the Law of Attraction on her Oprah XM Radio show you can access them below.

For those of you that are new to Law of Attraction or Abraham Hicks. this is especially worth looking into. For those of you with a bit more ‘experience’ there’s enjoyment in listening to Esther and Abraham I’m sure.

If I remember correctly, in the first audio Oprah interviews Esther and in the subsequent ones she speaks to Abraham and asks them various questions, including about what or who is Abraham,  Law of Attraction, 9/11, their involvement with The Secret, and other questions.

You can click on them to listen to them online or, depending on your browser, right click on them and Save Target/Link As

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 1

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 2

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 3


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  • Xio says:

    Wow your blog is getting better!!!

  • Hemal says:

    Thanks Xio! 🙂
    It’s a mix of our collective Asking lol

  • Mohamed says:

    Thanks for your effort..

  • Manifester Man says:

    The concept of the secret is amazing. I can’t get enough of it. I don’t think it is as magical as the gurus make it out to be, but it gives you incentive to have a good, positive outlook.

  • Karl says:

    thank you friend 🙂

  • Mabel Iam says:

    Great post, my friend

  • Oh wow, I didn’t know about these interviews!
    Thanks so much Hemal!