Here are some free introductory audios to Abraham and Jerry & Esther Hicks.

If you are someone who has heard of the Law of Attraction (or even if you haven’t) or someone who has watched/read The Secret and have learnt a little (or even a lot), you could find great value in covering the Abraham material.  Personally I resonate very much with the viewpoint of Abraham and think their material is amongst the best around on Law of Attraction.  My posts on the blog resonate very much with their viewpoint but of course we come from our own unique places and have our own mixes to our work, just like in life, we all bring our own unique recipe to the mix and each contribute to the greater whole.

Their books (see the Books section) are informative, I personally enjoyed them a lot more having heard Abraham, having been in tune with their vibe.  Do also check out the Oprah interviews with Esther/Abraham if you haven’t already, they’re great intros too.

On these free Abraham Hicks audios, from their free Introductory CD, the first six or so are Jerry & Esther giving an introduction as to how they came across Abraham and subsequent ones are Abraham speaking.  In the case of the Oprah audios, she speaks to Esther in the first audio and Abraham in the two subsequent ones.  My point being that it’s worth hearing Abraham speak.

The audios were recorded in the early 90s (or late 80s possibly) and are the early recordings with Abraham and give an introduction to them, their work, and the Law of Attraction, and other laws and contexts in applying the Law of Attraction.



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  • Thanks, I love Abraham and their teachings. They are so right about all this stuff!