Related post: Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Money has been on many people’s minds recently and we will be covering it on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio (if you are reading this after the call date, you can still register and access the audio via the archives) and possibly on some subsequent ones also:


Money is the label of an agreed commodity for economic exchange. It is one means – one of many means – with which the universe can bring you what you are a match to.

If you are open to believing that the economic and physical world is NOT everything there is (and it isn’t), there is a lot more happening underneath the surface of what you see in the world around you and in your life.

It’s about getting in tune with the undercurrent of your relationship to money and abundance in your life.

The undercurrent is shaping what degree of prosperity (not just money, but ALL prosperity) you allow into your life as well as the aspects that you experience of the world around you – whether there is a constrained flow and experience or an expansive one.

An expansive flow is available to you not by what is happening in the world around you but by what is happening in the world within you.

~ Hemal Radia


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I have received some questions about dealing with hurt from relationships in the past, getting into the flow of abundance in addition to others.

We will be addressing those as well as covering:

– De-identifying from your past

– Working with your ‘form’ around money to flow more abundance

– How you can inadvertently have hooked up “money” to what you don’t want

– Unhooking past momentums of negativity

– Why the ‘how’ isn’t necessarily important for you to know


If you’d like to access the call or the audio download afterwards you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.

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