“Hi Hemal,
Nina put me onto your blog and posts, and of course you know they are simply wonderful. Thank you for contributing so much of your helpful knowledge to the rest of us out here living this crazy physical experience.
I was wondering if you knew, or have blogged about anything having to do with baldness. With the knowledge I have now, I can see that I practiced the "I'm going bald and that's it, my dad is bald, etc." for years, and now I am trying to tell a new story and appreciate a full, healthy head of hair. I want all my other balding friends to look at me and say "How the HELL did you do that? No rogaine? No transplants? How the hell is it possible?" Any help you could offer would be very appreciated.
Funny enough, I've searched the web for everything and found a way through the LOA to assist in a positive solution…but baldness is the ONE subject that seems very tricky – no one has a clear cut answer. Or one that I've been able to find, anyway…
All my best”
The process for people to create change in their physical bodies is the same as the process for the changes they try to create elsewhere in their lives; whether it be attracting more money or attracting a lover, etc. They often have a situation which is of what they don’t want and this creates the contrast – that feeling of wanting something that isn’t here right now. And the desire of what they want emanates from that.
So it’s softening the perspective on where you are at that moment, this softens the resistance and contrast and lets in the good stuff (which feels good – that is your indication) – you can call it the Universe, Universal energy, God force, spirit, non-physical, whatever you want to call it. You are allowing it in. We’ll talk more about it regarding this case later.
When someone is saying “Where is my lover? Where is my
lover? Why has he/she not entered my life yet?” Implicit in that
asking is doubt and focus on the lack of that person not being in their
life right now, and that attracts more of the same.
It’s the same as someone saying “Where’s my money? Where’s my
money?” Again, it is focusing on the absence of something and it
attracts more of the same. Some people would call it ‘root looking’ or
‘pulse checking’. If when you plant something you are regularly
digging it up to check for root growth it is not going to grow so well
The issue you mention here has the same solution as with other issues, and the irony is this:
As you soften your perspective on the present situation, it won’t be an issue to you any more, but the irony in that is you will get what you want anyway.
It’s like a couple wanting to get ‘pregnant’, they try and try and try for a baby and after a while they decide to adopt. And when they adopt, all their resistance to ‘not having a child’ goes….and they get pregnant. When someone ‘gives up’ or ‘surrenders’ they let go of the resistance and thus allow what they want. The key thing is not necessarily the surrendering but the letting go of the resistance.
Before we have some statements to soften this and talk about your body’s ability to grow, something else as a consideration when people are working on something on a ‘cosmetic’ level….
People are conscious of how they look and how they come across to others especially to the opposite sex.
The thing to realise is that attraction is vibrational. Before anyone sees you (or hears you or touches you) they have already picked you up (pardon the pun) vibrationally, their attraction and recognition of you is vibrational – the fact they are even in your vicinity is because you are a vibrational match.
The question to ask yourself, is what tone (vibrationally) are you setting, is it one of:
– I don’t like the way I look, I am uncomfortable about one thing or another
– There is something not right about me
– I won’t be liked
– I know that despite how I might look or sound, I like (even love) me
– I don’t need to be or do anything, there are people that will love me for me, and it is ok if I’m not ok for others (a vibrational match), it wouldn’t have worked anyway – I like who I am and if they’re looking for someone that doesn’t then I’m not a vibrational match
– I like/love me
The whole Universe works on a vibrational level far before anything else, before social conditioning, man-made laws or anything else – which are all composed of 'vibration' and pure potential anyway, they are all made up of the building blocks of the Universe. With you being in alignment and feeling good about who you are, you are attracting people that match that, or attracting that aspect from those already around you. You can only attract that which is a vibrational match to you.
Socially you may have thought there were certain opinions about baldness in terms of attraction – as may be the case with any situation, but do realise that through your softening of your own perspective on it, those elements of society will not interest you and those that do will be the ones that match your warm fuzzy feeling about yourself. The aspects of the Universe (and that includes society!) you draw to yourself will be the ones that are a match to your frequency, your vibration. If you have a certain opinion or self image about yourself you will attract those that are a match to it.
Now you may have read the article on Getting Into Alignment with your Body (particularly the section in it titled "Your Body Literally Responds to your Vibration") which touched on the body’s ability to regenerate and grow. Your body has the ability to grow hair as well as make other physiological changes. Everything is malleable by your offering a pure thought and holding your vibration to it, thus attracting more of the same and the momentum building and manifesting on a physical level.
Your body responds when you come from a place of pure (i.e. not contradicted or 'mixed') thought, i.e. not from a place of lack or trying to 'fix' something. Law of Attraction will give you more of the same, whatever you focus on it will give you more of the same.
Soothing yourself about a situation will let you soften the thoughts that don’t support what you want, the thoughts that are on what you don’t want, so you could say:
– I know I have this and whilst I haven’t enjoyed it, I’m going to take my attention off it and onto how I feel about myself
– I’m not going to let something change how I feel about myself. My feelings about me are unconditional regardless of the outside. And what do you know, maybe the outside will change too
– I also know that as I change how I feel about myself, other physiological changes may take place anyway
– I know the body has the ability to create the changes I want, I am here and reading this and have attracted a match in my search for a solution
– I will take my attention off the situation and ‘stop counting’ and instead will start to appreciate the good things in my life, including my body and what I appreciate about it
What would be good to do at that point would be to write a list of the things you DO appreciate about yourself and your body and to practice this. You could make it a list of 10 things, 20, 50, whatever number you like, and regularly (such as every day) write a new one. Not necessarily because you are trying to ‘create’ something, but because you enjoy how it feels and how you feel. Manifestation is about how you feel during the process, the manifestations themselves are natural consequences of you feeling good. The feelings are indicators of you letting in 'all the good stuff'.
Your vibration will raise and if you feel inspired to remember or think or imagine (whichever feels best) how more and more hair (or whatever the 'condition' was) would look on you you can do so, do what feels good and enjoyable, and do it because of that. The subject will feel different as a result of your raised vibration, you will not be trying to 'solve a problem' but envisioning and creating something because (at that raised vibration) it feels good. If it feels heavy then return to softening and resume from there.
BRAVO Hemal!
Very good post. and I must admit, there is some sort of synchronity here. .I was thinking of this topic a couple of days back and trying 2 search for the answers within and here you are putting up such a WONDERFUL well articulated post up..Thanks for that.
Should I say that I actually did attract a solution to this topic? Lol.
Well done Hemal, enjoyed reading each bit of this post..
I just want to report that i have been wanting to increase my height… and since ihave started living my lifde by the law of attraction… i have already grown 1 cm! everything is possible!
Thanks for sharing this, Angel! And your other comment too, thank you!
Keep us posted on how you’re doing!